Sunday, October 31, 2004

I hate yellowjackets

I hate yellowjackets. And wasps. And hornets. But I can't say I hate bees until after November 9th. Until then, I still love bees. I was stung by a yellowjacket when I was like 7 at the beach and my whole arm swelled up. AT THE BEACH. How cruel is that. I had to go to the DOCTOR, for crying out loud. I think that made me practically immune to them though. I wasn't stung again until a few months ago, when I was mowing the lawn and "found" a nest. There was one on my ankle, which scared me, then I smacked him, looked up, and realized I was surrounded by yellowjackets. They were mad too. Wouldn't get off unless I squished them. I won't go any further on that topic though.
Well ilovebees just won't end. The SP and Queen are now combined and just Melissa, but it's not over. Nobody cares though, 'xcept "me" and other people on the ilovebees blog who really don't care in any way about my life. New Halo 2 movie, not much about Halo 2 actually though. Interesting gameplay shots though. One thing- just seems like the ground and people are separate, or different. Looks a bit too computer generated, hope it looks better in person. At any rate, the gameplay itself is better. But this blog is about my life, not Bungie's, right? My Algebra II teacher actually didn't call for that assignment so she did accept it even though it was over a week late. YES thank you maybe now I can maintain my A in math for life. Not much interesting on Friday I guess, didn't feel like commenting though. Saturday I worked some more on the island and other stuff. I went to a party at superman's and had a pretty good time. Halo is so awesome. Even if you lose, in the words of Bungie, "You hate it, but you love it, and you gotta play it again." And it's true. Not much longer until elections, and Halo 2, and oh yeah Pilgrimage. Pilgrimage is a Methodist youth trip to Fayetteville where you get to hear speakers and do other stuff. For example, sit in your room and PLAY HALO 2! I bet you can guess what I'll be doing any chance I get. Today we had the time change, and it's also Halloween! I skipped Youth because we weren't having small groups. I would have only gone for twenty minutes. Well Wheezy also scheduled for our small group to go to dinner, but my mom bought steaks so I stayed home anyway. While I was working today I kept seeing wasps, yellowjackets, etc again and again. I didn't get stung, but in the words of the Pious Flea, "Creepy." There's a special on MTV next Friday about Halo 2. Can't wait to see that.
Not a very exciting weekend, pretty normal.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

I can't pay attention very easily

I can't pay attention very easily. If something interesting is happening, sure, no problem, but if not, I will zone out pretty quickly. Anyone that knows me can tell you that. Everyone has noticed. It's hard for me to pay attention in class. One of the reasons, strangely, is because I don't have to. I can miss a day that we learned something new and come back and understand it by doing the homework, even though the rest of the class took the whole period learning it from the teacher and still didn't understand. I could be done with high school math right now. I would rather not though, because then I would go insane with boredom, although I may anyway. I learn something remotely interesting or slightly difficult on an average of about once a month. Maybe twice. It just... makes sense... without the need for explanation. I haven't been able to pay attention to review for as long as I can remember, and we have been reviewing a lot, especially lately. It doesn't help that I have games on my calculator, but I had to delete them today because Dad told me to. I only had them for like 8 weeks.
The final deadline for yearbook stuff was actually yesterday. I got my spread done but it needs work. The teacher said we'll have to do it in proof, which costs money. It doesn't actually cost me money, but nevertheless. I finished beating Halo on Heroic today, not that hard except for the part where there is a stream of sentinels and you have to get a rocket in the tubes. I ran out of rockets because it wasn't triggering the explosion. The new ilovebees transmissions are hot, only one more batch to go. New Halo 2 commercial out too. Looks pretty cool. What do you expect anyway? In Algebra II I didn't hear the teacher call for a Portfolio Activity again. Dang it. I really do doubt that she actually did. The only time I have turned one of those in out of the three we've had I turned it in without her calling for it. I'm going to have to talk with her about that. She gave me a zero last time because it was a week later when I realized I still had it, now the exact same thing happened again. If I get a B because I can't hear her calling for assignments I don't know what I'll do. I've never made anything but As in math my entire life. What's ironic is that I have made several Bs in English and social studies, but I have a perfect 100 in there right now. How stupid is that? Ok so I have a 100 in English, I don't know what I have in social studies. I can guarantee you this though: it's better than my average in math, sadly enough. Oh well I don't mean to complain I am doing very well in school but sometimes these things get a little aggravating. Have to let it out somewhere, I figure a blog is the best place. Even... though... someone from ilovebees might be reading this because I comment up there all the time. Oh well that's why I have the whole code thingy anyway. By the way our question yesterday at Logos was "Should Christians celebrate Halloween?" We said yes. There is nothing wrong with it. If anything, it is wrong not to, because that just makes Christians seem like spoil-sports. Not the kind of image we want to portray. We want to be remembered not as the ones that turned their lights off and complained about Halloween, but the ones who had the best decorations and the best candy on the street. We want to have a good name for ourselves. Under some circumstances it would be wrong to do something for popularity but since Halloween is not the "Devil's Day" unless you make it that by calling it that, there is nothing wrong with it. Remember: Halloween is what you make it. If you merely let your children collect candy from the neighbors, I don't see how you can be accused of any wrong. If you tell people it is the "Devil's Day", then that is what it will become. But as it is, it is not evil in any way. Well, I'll stop now bacause I'm probably repeating myself.
I probably won't be able to comment on Wednesdays very often by the way, they are very busy for me and I don't have much time.
That is all.

Monday, October 25, 2004

I have a strange sleep system

I have a strange sleep system. I can stay up very late and not be very tired the next day at all. Sometimes I'll go to sleep on time and wake up as usual and be almost irresistably sleepy the entire day. Sometimes I'll wake up and be energetic all day. It doesn't seem to correlate with the amount of sleep I got the night before. If I stay up all night and play video games with friends, I am tired the next day. Sometimes more tired than other times. I can stay awake, but I really want to sleep or rest. I can rest as long as I stay awake, but I cannot take naps. If I take a nap then I can't sleep that night. I'll be extremely tired for about three hours after I wake up too. There's about a thirty minute period when I am sure it is the next day, because I just woke up. Then I'm called to dinner and there is a thirty minute period of complete confusion. My brain is working slow and it doesn't make sense at all. My vision is even blurry and swaying. Yeah, it's pretty bad. So, I sit on the couch and STAY AWAKE instead. Normally just resting like this makes me feel better pretty fast and I can be wide awake for the rest of the day. (Sorry if I'm creeping people out, it sounds worse than it actually is)
Monday. Exciting, as always. We had prayer breakfast at Dunkin Donuts. Wheezy got the everything bagel, which smells really bad because it has everything including onions and garlic. He always gets it there though, so you kind of get used to it, even if it's only about once a month that we go there. In Seminar we are still watching "Schindler's List." It has gotten... shall we say, interesting? A few, well a few funny scenes, a few nasty scenes, a few disgusting scenes. Oh and a lot of killing scenes, of course. What a fun movie! It isn't quite as bad as it could have been though. Spanish hasn't been that exciting lately. Not much new, wish we could get a move on. In yearbook we had a deadline today. My page isn't finished yet; final deadline (we were pushing for today but not many people made it) is tomorrow so I hope I can finish it. Not much left I guess. Copy and info, and putting the pics in place, and making sure the format is ok. I hope I can get it done tomorrow, but I might not. Half the people in the class probably won't. Anyway enough about school. Amba says she likes those bands, so I guess that's one person in the world. She couldn't like all the stuff I do though because I have 40 some albums! All but a few are really good I think. Almost done putting them all on Stumpy. I played Halo a lot today, tried to beat some stuff on Heroic. I hadn't tried in months, and I only got Stumpy last May, so I had improved a lot. It wasn't really that hard now. There were a few parts, like the last bridge part on Assault on the Control Room, where the Banshees are. I only had 2 health bars left, so my only chance was to get a sticky on the elite and make a break for the first banshee. After a few tries I did it! Happy days! Then I was shot by the MORTAR. Dang what bad luck. After a few more tries I did it right though. I was about to lose my mind going in circles though, making sure the mortar couldn't take another cheap shot, even though I was pretty sure it couldn't. Then I had even less health and had to beat the army behind the door. Don't know how I made it through that one, although I can say I came out of it killing the last elite with one bar of red health and no shields. Just think... one more hit and I would have had to go back to getting in the Banshee! Ok well enough rambling about Halo. Judging by the size and amount of posts I have though Halo is NOT my entire life. Just about one third. Or maybe five twelfths... well not much new on ilovebees although it's supposed to add new transmissions tomorrow. :-) That will be one of the last two! Well I know how fascinated all my friends are with ilovebees so I'll just shut up about that now.
Not that much new, not that much.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

I enjoy long trips

I enjoy long trips. They're fun to me. I listen to music through the trip and just relax. I stare out the window and think about various things. Air Force Gemini ideas, N-1 additions, there's always something. Unless I'm driving, of course. It's still relaxing though, I love music. I wish there was someone that liked Linkin Park and Dave Matthews, or Trapt and Good Charlotte, or Three Doors Down and Dido, or Evanescence and Switchfoot. Better yet, just all of them. I haven't met anybody yet though. At least not that I know of.
Not much happening today. Mostly just did work. Dad woke me up at like 9 and told me to go work on the island (for you people who don't know, the island is like a table but it sits in the middle of the kitchen and has cabinets underneath and goes all the way down to the floor; the top can be used as a cutting board, but we don't). We had to take it apart and sand it down because it had been sitting there for years and needed to be worked on. I had to do the sanding. Dad said he would pay me $10 an hour, and I worked four in the morning/early afternoon and then another hour just before dinner. $50; yeah that's worth it, especially because he could have just forced me to do it with no pay. He's not quite that mean though. I haven't had much time to do homework though. Actually I haven't had time to do any. I am going to be SO BUSY tomorrow. With that meeting at two and all my homework... ooh, not good. I might not be able to go to youth. When I had spare time I tried to relax today though since I was already doing so much work. I got to play Halo a bit; it's been a while. I wouldn't quite say I was rusty though. I have to be ready for next weekend at superman's. I will be. Halo 2 is getting closer, only a couple weeks! I can't wait! The ilovebees story is coming to an end too. Or so it seems. Melissa is running out of places to put transmissions, it looks like the story will end November 9, or just a little bit before then.
Not an exciting Saturday.

Friday, October 22, 2004

I love the cold

I love the cold. It feels good to me. Wheezy is the same way he says. People think I'm crazy. I wear short pants and sleeves all year except for maybe a couple weeks mid-winter or on trips to the mountains. Pretty much just when my parents force me to. But that isn't very often, they've gotten used to the fact that I always wear short pants and sleeves. I still have at least one teacher every year that asks if I'm crazy though. It's funny.
Tgif. I was so tired today, had to keep stretching every 30 seconds. Good to be home. They still haven't fixed the computers in yearbook. And we had a deadline today. Oh well. We started watching "Schindler's List" in Seminar today. It's about the holocaust, and I hear it's pretty horrible. We haven't gotten very far yet though. I was pretty bust after school. First I had Science Olympiad until 3:15. When I got home, I had about 15 minutes before Chessy had to go somewhere and I had to go so I could go shopping. We went to Target and Best Buy, but Best Buy was not opened yet (new store here). We stopped by home and then went to pick up Chessy. We went straight to the church from there. At the church we had volunteered for the Fall Festival. All I did was sit by the spin the wheel thingy and hand out coupons and candy to the kids. Then I had to clean up rooms that people left as soon as it ended. It wasn't that bad, don't think I'm complaining. Not like I could be doing anything better. I haven't been able to play Halo in a while... oh well. Not much planned this weekend other than what we did today though. Hmmm on Sunday I have to go to a meeting at the Rocky Mount YMCA about the youth leadership thingy. And as an update me, superman and Wheezy are all planning to go on the New York City trip over Spring Break. A lot of people want to do it. I have a packet of information that I need to fill out and turn in.
That is all.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Virginia Tech is my favorite team

Virginia Tech is my favorite team. I don't really like many other teams for other sports, but VT is an exception. My dad went there and there is a strong family rivalry between Virginia Tech and UVA. Tech was also the home of Michael Vick (and is the home of Marcus Vick). Go Hokies!
Well, I've been pretty busy for the past few days. Monday we had prayer breakfast at Chick-fil-A. We also got progress reports. Other than Algebra II, I'm doing fine. Algebra could, and will, get better, though. Also, I found out something. There is now a Halo 2 official website, and it has already been "hacked" by the Covenant. When you choose a continent, (and a country if you don't choose North America) a new screen comes up. You have to turn off all pop-up blockers though. When it comes up, it loads as the Covenant Battleship as it seems goes through hyperspace. Once it loads, the ship comes out of hyperspace and stops beside Earth along with two other visible ships. That is the background, at least. there will be a column of blue light in the center of the screen, and you can zoom in to look around the "site." You can find weapons, vehicles, and species in Halo 2. All the writing is encoded, but someone broke part of it and I found a place where the alphabet is written, so I broke the code. No interesting information written, though. It's obvious they didn't expect you to break it. On Tuesday, I had to stay after school to take a math quiz, which was difficult only because I forgot about the sheet we were supposed to study. I didn't do too well on that, obviously, but I'm working on making up for it. I was busy Tuesday night doing homework and translating the Halo 2 pages. Oh yeah, Seminar has been interesting too. Apparently the teacher thinks our government is going to take away the rights of Muslims. She compares it to the Holocaust! Can somebody tell me where that came from? That isn't going to happen. Everyone else in the class obviously agrees, though. They really can't think for themselves. You can't just take somebody's word with nothing to back it up. I mean she makes random claims left and right and people agree! This class is just getting better and better. The only reason we read Night (a book about the Holocaust) is because she compares it to the current situation. I don't understand. We have been replacing our floor this week, by the way. It's going pretty well. We get to go out to eat every night, it's fun. Except for the whole not having a floor part, of course. Casper and Leo are getting freaked out. Not having a floor is strange to cats, especially when these strange people come in every day and make loud noises. Wednesday I stayed after school for a YMCA Leadership program meeting, the second one. I forgot that I had an orthodontic appointment, though, so my mom couldn't pick me up afterward. I went to Parker's instead. At LOGOS we went out to eat for a change (as I said before, we've been going out to eat every night). We went to Ruby Tuesday's. Not a bad restaurant, not bad at all. I noticed that we now have a Best Buy now, I hope to go shopping there ASAP. I'm trying to keep at least $70 for Halo 2 and a few other things though. I can't spend much. Our counselor is planning a trip to New York over Spring Break. Nathaniel is going, and I plan to as well. I'm going to sign up tomorrow. This will be my second time in New York, the first being last summer. We had a good time, and the school trip is going to visit a lot of different places from the ones we went to last time, so it will still be interesting. (It would anyway, but this makes it more interesting). Today I did the orthodontic appointment I missed. One more visit before I get them off! FINALLY!
That is all for now.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

I am a very organized person

I am a very organized person. My room is almost always clean, and I try to do everything in an organized manner. I'm the kind of person that takes five minutes to set up the graph paper before drawing the lines (or parabolas) (or scatter plots). Sometimes it even bothers people how I do things. I take longer than most people because everything has to be perfect. I guess you could call me a perfectionist, but I don't think that's quite it. (wait, does it make me a perfectionist if I have to have the perfect word to describe myself?)
It's been a while because I've been busy. OK, so not with hard stuff like projects and such, simple stuff. But nevertheless, I've been busy. On Thursday I went to yearbook during first period and guess what! We made a discovery! Our computers are MESSED UP! Anyway, we also had the high school pep rally for the Gryphons. It was about as messed up as the computers. All it was was people screaming "07" and "08" or bad things about the other years at the top of their lungs. There were some other things happening on the floor, but you couldn't hear (or see if the people in front of you got up to scream) them. It was a failure, as it is every year. At least in my eyes. The hyped up people that can scream loud enough to break a glass probably had fun though. On Friday I put several CDs on Stumpy and went to Archon's that afternoon. Fuzzy and Wheezy both called me there; Wheezy twice. We had a good time though and especially got a lot of practice in Star Wars Battlefront. We came back to Stony Valley and Archon came with me for the party. He learned how to play Age of the Empires while he was here, and a little Age of Mythology too. About an hour after he got here, Trulegend called. He said Ruiner had cancelled the party the day before and had assumed everyone knew. His parents were going to be out of town. Any attempts to call him before or after this result in an instant response from a message machine. Some spoke of kicking him out of fog at this point. I wasn't that far, although I personally was aggravated because now Archon was stuck at my house until 7:30 when faloopaloop could bring him to his house. This is why my starter today is what it is. Disorganization bothers me. Moving on now, when I talked to Fuzzy a little after I fould out, he said he could have about four or five people at his house, but it would have to be around 4:15-4:30 because he had to go to Faith Christian's fall festival. I invited Wheezy because when he called he said he was bored out of his mind. He came to my house and we fooled around here until Fuzzy picked us up. One thing in particular we did was to look at and look at the hilarious movie there. At Fuzzy's, we did mostly 2 vs 3 (Archon and I vs Fuzzy, Avenging, and Wheezy) on Halo with the system link. Good times, good times. I was the last to leave; my parents had about forgotten me. Today Wheezy didn't show up for church or youth. He got in trouble somehow and his parents let him go to Fuzzy's and also got him an SUV the day before but didn't let him go to church in the morning or for youth or to go play golf with superman which superman had planned his whole day around. Youth went well, at least. By the way, I forgot to grab my math book after the pep rally on Thursday in the frantic rush to get out so I had to rely on copies from the book from superman. I picked them up after church in the morning and worked on them some at his house and then went home and discovered I was missing a few pages. I got the rest at youth that night and spent my time after youth (except for time spent doing this and a few other things) doing the rest of my math homework. And it's Algebra II, so it isn't exactly a walk in the park. So, to sum up the situation:
~Everyone is mad at Ruiner
~superman is mad at Wheezy and probably somewhat me too for forgetting my book
~I am mad at myself for forgetting my book
~Wheezy is in trouble and has a new car he can't drive because he doesn't even have his permit yet
~Everyone is thankful for Almon because he took us in when Ruiner would not
~Archon is probably mad because he came to Stony Valley just in time to find out the party was cancelled
~I am thankful for superman because he gave me copies of the pages I needed in the math book
~Wheezy, Archon and I looked at and laughed as we never have before (OK... so maybe that's exaggeration, but nevertheless...)
Interesting weekend, eh?

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I love sci-fi

I love sci-fi. Whether it may be Star Wars, Stargate SG-1 (or Atlantis), the Halo storyline, or Air Force Gemini (my own creation), I love it all. Star Wars: Episode III is coming out next May! You can bet I'll be the one to watch every movie the day before and be there at the first showing. Also, ilovebees has a lot of sci-fi stuff because it's all related to the Halo storyline. I also have my own sci-fi designs, all these impossible super weapons. I don't design as much as I used to, though. I do hope to finish designs for the N-1 (a vertical takeoff or landing (VTOL) craft based on a Star Wars craft). That's one of the only designs I have that believe would be possible and useful. One of my favorites.
Two big things this weekend. Tomorrow afternoon I plan to go to Archon's house and Saturday Ruiner has a fog meeting at his house. Archon and I plan to work on html stuff and play Battlefront. Should be a fun weekend, especially since we have Friday (tomorrow) off from school. Aramaia called today; she got my letter. I sent her the Good Charlotte CD with "Hold on" and some other good songs. She wanted to try to get together this weekend because she was going to be camping about 35 minutes away from here and I asked if we could. I really wish we could, but she said she didn't have a ride... I don't know. Maybe I wasn't thorough enough. I hope we can get together next weekend though. As for how, I don't know. In yearbook this morning we didn't get to do much because the computers were having problems. We have five, but three don't have enough RAM to support the software and one is having an unknown error even by the Herff Jones representative. As for the last one, well, we didn't try it, I don't know why not... I worked on my other blogs after he left (we still had a good amount of time before second period). I was shocked that it let me comment on my posts. I made it past the whole "chat" block thingy! Then at 1:40 we had the pep rally. All that was was hundreds of people screaming "07" "08" etc. The ear ache, the ache! No, it wasn't that bad.
That is all.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I enjoy storms

I enjoy storms. I didn't used to, it scared me especially at night when I was trying to sleep. But now, it's relaxing. The beating of the rain, the natural fireworks of lightning, it's like an amazing performance directed by God. Just thought I'd say that because we have a tornado warning here right now and it has been kind of rainy. It's stopped right now though. Also, to prevent any confusion, tornadoes are not included in "storms" in my opinion. Hurricanes maybe though...
Well, there's been a lot happening. The 10th grade counselor sent us an e-mail that said the first 5 people to respond and get a 1200 on the PSAT today he would take to lunch. I emailed back two hours after he sent it. He also says he plans to take students to New York during spring break for $350. I may do that... not sure yet though. The PSAT was today; almost everyone took it. The reading part was difficult, but math was EASY. And I hear the real SAT math was easier. Can't imagine how. (hypothetical situation) "Did you get 2 for #7? It was a little hard, wasn't it." "You mean 1+1? No, that's 11, stupid." OK enough stupid jokes. We had Logos today. The topic was "should there be an amendment banning gay marriage and why?" OK, first background info I guess. Logos is a church program (mostly for children) that meets each Wednesday. Since I'm in high school, I'm in the senior high Logos (yes there is also junior high, those are mostly middle school people). Senior high Logos is awesome. We get there at 4, and play video games until 5. Then we have "activity time." That's the boring part. At 5:30 we either go to Central Cafe or continue playing games. This week we played games. Then at 6:15 we have dinner. After dinner we go up to the youth suite and have bible study, although we don't exactly study the bible. At the beginning of the year we write down questions regarding Christian life and they are drawn each week. They are discussed the next week to give us time to prepare our answers. Then we discuss the topic the next Wednesday. The format is this: we start at one corner of the room and each person gives his/her answer. If you wish to comment on the SUBJECT but not directly to the person speaking, you may take the "conch" (which is not actually a conch, sometimes it's a hammer, sometimes a handle that goes to a couch) (read "Lord of the Flies" to better understand this) and speak freely without interruption. After we give our answers the graduated students can comment and Lee gives his opinion, which is generally accepted as true. He knows more than us, what do you expect? Anyway, after that long explanation, the topic was "should there be an amendment banning gay marriage and why?" The answer as we determined (most people said this and then Lee agreed) was "No." We decided that although it is sinful to practice homosexuality, an amendment should not be created because we were given a choice. Also, we decided the amendment would not pass because it blocks our freedom, and I believe there would be another civil rights movement if that was passed. Not good. There may also be increased discrimination against gays if it was illegal for them to marry. We pretty much ran out of time and everyone wanted to get home safe at that point. The tornado warning had been issued, so the person taking me home (ask me who it was later if you want to know) was a bit nervous. The air was calm where we were though so I tried to calm her down. She said she would have freaked out if she had been alone... are there other people out there that find storms relaxing or am I just strange? Don't answer that; I already know the answer. Both! Tomorrow the yearbook teacher is going to take me out of first period so I can help with the computer. Yaay no Algebra II!
Hmm well I believe that is sufficiently thorough.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I love bees!

I love bees! We're stating the obvious here, folks. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about, ilovebees is an ARG for Halo 2. I have been keeping up with it since mid-August. It's all fascinating stuff if you like the Halo storyline.
I didn't have time to write yesterday. Too much to do. I'm amazed I have enough time to write this, actually. I've had a lot of work lately. Not much interesting happening though. I was the only person in Seminar to put Bush as the good guy, Snowball. About 35 people put him as a bad guy and about 6 did not include Bush. 42 students, and one put Bush as the good guy. Now that's sad. It's also sad that I think confused everyone using some 6th grade vocabulary usage. I said "not exactly of the highest degree of intelligence" and the class went into an uproar for a few seconds. I had to stop talking. Tomorrow is the PSAT. I got a letter from the counselor that said the first five people to e-mail back and get a 1200 on the PSA (he meant PSAT I think) he will take to lunch. I e-mailed back immediately, of course. Also, this week is spirit week at our high school. Yesterday was twins day, today was oldies day (also declared celebrity day by some sophomores) (also underclassmen photo day) , tomorrow is mix 'n match day, and Thursday is gryphon pride day. This weekend Ruiner is considering having a party on Friday or Saturday. I was also thinking about getting together with Archon to work on html script. We have Friday off by the way, for those of you that are wondering. I wrote the letter to Aramaia today also. I got her a gift, but I can't say what it is yet...
That is all.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

My Halo specialty is as a sniper

My Halo specialty is as a sniper. My Halo friends know that well enough, of course. "Never underestimate Sobaguda, he's always there" is Wheezy's most common comment about me. Dang, already having trouble thinking of good ones. I'll have to make a list...
Went to eleven o'clock church today. It was consecration Sunday, so the sermon wasn't exactly exciting. We had lunch afterward. Wheezy and I talked a bit. I did my homework in just a little time. Then it was about time to go to Youth. Wheezy says he got bored yesterday and beat every game he had. He says he's not playing video games again until Halo 2 comes out. Hmmm well maybe that will last a few days, or not. We got new speakers for the computer and I got a new CD, Linkin Park Reanimated. I can't truly be a Linkin Park fan and not have all three CDs, so now I do. I saw they have a fan club, but judging by the benefits, it must cost money. Reanimated is pretty much Linkin Park remixed. Seth got it a while ago, so I have heard some of it. I'm listening to all the new ilovebees recordings, although they're all really old. This is taking a while, but I thank the Sleeping Princess for putting them all in order like she did. (Don't ask, and no I'm not crazy).
That is all.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

I plan to become an aerospace engineer

I plan to become an aerospace engineer. If you look at my interests, two are flight and design. Put the two together, and you get an aerospace engineer. Maybe. I can't say for sure though, because I believe everyone is entitled to change their minds.
Well, I got back early. We were not planning to be back until tomorrow night, but we decided to come back today instead. We just went to the picnic and came back right afterward. We played a lot of badminton there. And volleyball. I drove almost the entire way up to the picnic. On the way back I just listened to music (stuff like Switchfoot/Hoobastank) and thought about different things. I came up with some new ideas for the N-1 (my best thought out and most creative aircraft design), but that's about as productive as I got. I thought about other stuff mostly though. But thoughts are meant to be private. Maybe they will show up as a title of a post, but only when I've posted about every other thing relevant in any way to my life. That might take a few years though...
Well, I just spent five hours going to and from Virginia today so not much exciting to say. I guess that's all then.

Friday, October 08, 2004

I do not agree with Catholic beliefs

I do not agree with Catholic beliefs. I went to a Catholic school from kindergarden to fourth grade, so I do know a lot about their beliefs. I don't agree with annulment, or Hail Mary's, or any other prayers to saints. Why waste your time praying to followers of God when you could be praying to their God? One thing is for sure (at least in my belief), the world is not in the hands of saints, but our God who created it. It doesn't make sense to pray to anyone but God (or Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, but they are the same) to me. But I'm a Methodist. By the way, just to clear a possible conflict up, Catholics do not bother me. It's unchristian in my opinion to be aggravated at a person for their beliefs. I simply do not agree with their beliefs.
The second debate was tonight. I watched the entire thing this time. Bush really trampled Kerry. Also, I found out Kerry is Catholic, but supports abortion. There's another flip-flop.
Well, today in English 10 less people were putting Bush as the bad guy, but still noone has put him as the good guy. Oh well. Maybe I'll be the only one... that would be quite interesting.
Fuzzy came over today and we played Halo and Battlefront, and when his parents got here we watched about half of the debate together. Then I watched the rest when they left (pretty much his entire family came to pick him up after they went out for dinner).
One month until Halo 2 tomorrow. We won't be here. We're going to Hampton for the Trinity Methodist picnic. I won't be able to write while I'm there, but I'll be back on Sunday.
Oh, and to clear up a possible misunderstanding, the topic of each log is not supposed to be negative. I'll try to get some positives up there soon, I just have to think of a few interesting ones.
Well, for a Friday, this isn't very much, but I guess that's all.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Country music drives me insane

Country music drives me insane. Anything else is okay, but not Country. I can even stand some rap... for a time... but Country is just... bad. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks that.
Every night while I'm doing homework I am playing music. Strangely enough, it helps me concentrate on what I'm doing. Mom says that's one of the symptoms of ADD. It bothers me when I'm reading, though. Well, I wouldn't be amazed if I had ADD; I can't pay attention in class no matter how hard I try. Well, at least not unless we are learning something new or interesting. Maybe I'll be like Wheezy! Well, without the H part, though (ADHD). Here are a few of my favorite groups:
Blue Man Group
Dave Matthews (Band)
Good Charlotte
Linkin Park
Sarah McLachlan (I have Remixed)
~and many others
I wore one of my Virginia Tech shirts to school today. My dad went there, and there's a bit of a family rivalry between VT and UVA, so I'm with VT. Too bad we lost Michael Vick to the pros though.
I've kind of established a name for myself in Yearbook it seems. If anyone needs help, or ideas, or an errand done, I'm about the first one they ask. Sure, it does mean a little exra work, but I think it's cool to be able to help people out with things.
Not much news today I guess.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I can't stand Pizza Inn

I can't stand Pizza Inn. Their pizza is too thin and doesn't have enough toppings. Their dessert pizza is good though...
I found out something today! I am not alone in my conservatism in Civics/English 10! There are three girls in my class in addition to superman and myself who resent the English 10 teacher's extreme anti-Bush nature. They are Grace, Crystal, and Jem. So, I guess we have a rebellion here. No, just kidding. Although I do plan to tell Mrs. Liberal that some of the people in her class other than myself disagree with her. She might think it's just me... I hope not. Well maybe she knows I'm just the one she found out about. Crystal was the first person to not put George Bush as a bad guy in the project. I went up and thanked her in Spanish III class the next period. At that point I wasn't sure if that just meant she actually was conservative, because she didn't put Bush as the good guy either. He wasn't up there at all. But, after Grace listened in to me and superman's conversation at Central Cafe today and mentioned that she, Jem, and Crystal thought they were the only ones, I knew I wasn't alone in my resentment. At least there are a few people in there that have strong enough minds to resist simple persuasive techniques. Everyone else was either already liberal, which I don't mind, not opinionated and thus easily persuaded, which I mind a little, or conservative but easily persuaded by my English 10 teacher, which really bothers me.
Well, I guess that's the news for today. Except Chessy just gave me some peanut M&Ms and I couldn't figure out why. She said whe went and got them at 9 for a project... weird.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I do not buy from Wal Mart Supercenter

I do not buy from Wal Mart Supercenter. I hate that place and decided to never buy anything there a long time ago. Normal Wal Mart would be ok though.....
I got a letter from Aramaia today. A real letter by the way. It was long. Now I have to write back, but I enjoy writing back. It gives me something to do.
We had a project in English 10 due last Friday. We had to present it, but not everyone has presented yet. It was to represent each character in Animal Farm with a political figure. So far everyone is putting Bush as Napoleon, who is the bad guy, or Squealer, his best friend. Superman and I are the only people I think that didn't. AAAAHHHH!!!! Our teacher(s) (it's a Seminar; English 10 and Civics and Economics, but especially Mrs. Liberal, the English 10 teacher) are extremely liberal and I AM NOT. It is getting aggravating, because they're convincing everyone in the class because they're all so shallow. Mrs. Liberal seemed to make the project so it would be difficult to put Napoleon as anyone but Bush also. I managed though. If I fail... oohh.... but I won't. She's not mean like that. She has aim! She might even be reading this.
I've been entrusted with the yearbook's only digital camera. I'm taking that class this semester for the first time, so it's kind of amazing the teacher trusted me more than anyone else. I wonder why..... It's a pretty fun class though. Amba signed up for it but didn't get in but they let me transfer to it from weightlifting. Our school system stinks. Amba is a liberal by the way. She gets along with the English 10 teacher very well. I guess I do too.... I think she appreciates having a different opinion in the class. Maybe that's just an outward thing..... Oh and Amba got braces today.
Well, I guess that's all for now.

I am not actually a Lord

I am not actually a Lord. Shocking, I know. I'm not even British.
Each post in this blog will begin with a secret of my life. They are all actually true, so you get to learn more things about me as time progresses.
This blog will be about my life. But before I begin, there are some things you should know about me. My name is Lord Sobaguda. I am not actally a Lord, as you may have noticed. Well, probably not, because it's pretty subtle, isn't it? Don't answer that.
To understand this blog you will need to understand who these people, things, and places are. (Just to make sure there's no confusion, these are almost all fake names. fog, casper, leo, stumpy, cartwright, NC, VA, Gryphon, FUMC, amd FUMY I feel no need to make fake names for, but the rest are made up: for those people that know me, I bet you can figure out what each one is if you try)
~fog- a group of currently 9 gamers that get together to play video games about every month.
~casper- my white, large, cat that is constantly shedding
~leo- my cheshire-colored, smaller, loud cat
~stumpy- my xbox
~cartwright- my friend's band
~gryphon- our school's mascot (like a griffin)
~FUMC- my church
~FUMY- my youth group
~North Carolina- the state where I live
~stony valley- the city where I live
~SVSH- my high school
~verde ciudad- the city where I went to Band Camp and where Aramaia, Angel, Desertrose, Bluegirl, and Dmajor live
~Autumncity- the city that Archon moved to
~Fuzzy- a member of fog, my best friend, went to Band Camp with me, goes to Faith Christian
~Dmajor- a guy I met at Band Camp my first year ('01) who introduced me to Desertrose and Angel that I haven't seen or talked to much since '02 Band Camp
~Aramaia- a girl I met my second year at Band Camp, the year Fuzzy wasn't there ('02), my next best friend
~Desertrose- one of the two girls that introduced me to Aramaia
~Angel- the other girl that introduced me to Aramaia
~Bluegirl- one of the girls I met my third year at Band Camp ('03)
~superman- a member of fog that I met at FUMY three years ago ('01), now a good friend but kind of grumpy
~Wheezy- a member of fog that I met at FUMY at the same time, has ADHD
~Noname- a member of fog that I met at FUMY at the same time, goes to the Academy
~Trulegend- a member of fog that I met in fourth grade and became good friends with, but lost contact with until last year ('03), we're now good friends again
~faloopaloop- a member of fog that I met at middle school that tends to lie...
~Archon- a friend of faloopaloop that I met through him and that moved to Autumncity but we keep in contact; he's in ROTC
~Ruiner- a friend of Trulegend that rocks at halo but had his xbox taken away so he is actually beatable... although not by me, he's a year younger than the rest of us but goes to our high school
~cwdrums- a drummer I met when I was 1/2, we didn't keep in contact much after 1st grade, but became friends again last year ('03)
~Amba- a smart girl in my class ('07) I'm friends with, has her own blog
~Grace- my mom's long-time friend's (who introduced her to Dad, so she's the reason I'm alive... creepy stuff) daughter
~Jem- very smart girl in my class ('07) that is friends with Grace, Crystal, and countless others
~Crystal- another very smart girl in my class ('07) that is friends with Jem, Grace, and countless others
~Chessy- my sister (2.5 years younger)
~Mrs. Liberal- My liberal English 10 teacher
~The Beekeepers- my fellow ilovebees fans, also the name of the ilovebees clan on xbox live
~T Ravvv- a new friend of mine, two years my junior but a true gamer
~Aarin- a member of fumc and active in Logos and Youth Revolution, among other activities
~Sunray- a very good friend of Chessy's, goes to fumc
~Ray- one year older than me, goes to fumc and rmsh, and also Sunray's older sister
~Fascist- VERY smart guy, but also very radical and a bit morbid; very individualistic
I guess that's all to start off with. I will be editing this post to add new people, places, and things to the list constantly. Enjoy the blog!