Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I am not actually a Lord

I am not actually a Lord. Shocking, I know. I'm not even British.
Each post in this blog will begin with a secret of my life. They are all actually true, so you get to learn more things about me as time progresses.
This blog will be about my life. But before I begin, there are some things you should know about me. My name is Lord Sobaguda. I am not actally a Lord, as you may have noticed. Well, probably not, because it's pretty subtle, isn't it? Don't answer that.
To understand this blog you will need to understand who these people, things, and places are. (Just to make sure there's no confusion, these are almost all fake names. fog, casper, leo, stumpy, cartwright, NC, VA, Gryphon, FUMC, amd FUMY I feel no need to make fake names for, but the rest are made up: for those people that know me, I bet you can figure out what each one is if you try)
~fog- a group of currently 9 gamers that get together to play video games about every month.
~casper- my white, large, cat that is constantly shedding
~leo- my cheshire-colored, smaller, loud cat
~stumpy- my xbox
~cartwright- my friend's band
~gryphon- our school's mascot (like a griffin)
~FUMC- my church
~FUMY- my youth group
~North Carolina- the state where I live
~stony valley- the city where I live
~SVSH- my high school
~verde ciudad- the city where I went to Band Camp and where Aramaia, Angel, Desertrose, Bluegirl, and Dmajor live
~Autumncity- the city that Archon moved to
~Fuzzy- a member of fog, my best friend, went to Band Camp with me, goes to Faith Christian
~Dmajor- a guy I met at Band Camp my first year ('01) who introduced me to Desertrose and Angel that I haven't seen or talked to much since '02 Band Camp
~Aramaia- a girl I met my second year at Band Camp, the year Fuzzy wasn't there ('02), my next best friend
~Desertrose- one of the two girls that introduced me to Aramaia
~Angel- the other girl that introduced me to Aramaia
~Bluegirl- one of the girls I met my third year at Band Camp ('03)
~superman- a member of fog that I met at FUMY three years ago ('01), now a good friend but kind of grumpy
~Wheezy- a member of fog that I met at FUMY at the same time, has ADHD
~Noname- a member of fog that I met at FUMY at the same time, goes to the Academy
~Trulegend- a member of fog that I met in fourth grade and became good friends with, but lost contact with until last year ('03), we're now good friends again
~faloopaloop- a member of fog that I met at middle school that tends to lie...
~Archon- a friend of faloopaloop that I met through him and that moved to Autumncity but we keep in contact; he's in ROTC
~Ruiner- a friend of Trulegend that rocks at halo but had his xbox taken away so he is actually beatable... although not by me, he's a year younger than the rest of us but goes to our high school
~cwdrums- a drummer I met when I was 1/2, we didn't keep in contact much after 1st grade, but became friends again last year ('03)
~Amba- a smart girl in my class ('07) I'm friends with, has her own blog
~Grace- my mom's long-time friend's (who introduced her to Dad, so she's the reason I'm alive... creepy stuff) daughter
~Jem- very smart girl in my class ('07) that is friends with Grace, Crystal, and countless others
~Crystal- another very smart girl in my class ('07) that is friends with Jem, Grace, and countless others
~Chessy- my sister (2.5 years younger)
~Mrs. Liberal- My liberal English 10 teacher
~The Beekeepers- my fellow ilovebees fans, also the name of the ilovebees clan on xbox live
~T Ravvv- a new friend of mine, two years my junior but a true gamer
~Aarin- a member of fumc and active in Logos and Youth Revolution, among other activities
~Sunray- a very good friend of Chessy's, goes to fumc
~Ray- one year older than me, goes to fumc and rmsh, and also Sunray's older sister
~Fascist- VERY smart guy, but also very radical and a bit morbid; very individualistic
I guess that's all to start off with. I will be editing this post to add new people, places, and things to the list constantly. Enjoy the blog!


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