Thursday, October 21, 2004

Virginia Tech is my favorite team

Virginia Tech is my favorite team. I don't really like many other teams for other sports, but VT is an exception. My dad went there and there is a strong family rivalry between Virginia Tech and UVA. Tech was also the home of Michael Vick (and is the home of Marcus Vick). Go Hokies!
Well, I've been pretty busy for the past few days. Monday we had prayer breakfast at Chick-fil-A. We also got progress reports. Other than Algebra II, I'm doing fine. Algebra could, and will, get better, though. Also, I found out something. There is now a Halo 2 official website, and it has already been "hacked" by the Covenant. When you choose a continent, (and a country if you don't choose North America) a new screen comes up. You have to turn off all pop-up blockers though. When it comes up, it loads as the Covenant Battleship as it seems goes through hyperspace. Once it loads, the ship comes out of hyperspace and stops beside Earth along with two other visible ships. That is the background, at least. there will be a column of blue light in the center of the screen, and you can zoom in to look around the "site." You can find weapons, vehicles, and species in Halo 2. All the writing is encoded, but someone broke part of it and I found a place where the alphabet is written, so I broke the code. No interesting information written, though. It's obvious they didn't expect you to break it. On Tuesday, I had to stay after school to take a math quiz, which was difficult only because I forgot about the sheet we were supposed to study. I didn't do too well on that, obviously, but I'm working on making up for it. I was busy Tuesday night doing homework and translating the Halo 2 pages. Oh yeah, Seminar has been interesting too. Apparently the teacher thinks our government is going to take away the rights of Muslims. She compares it to the Holocaust! Can somebody tell me where that came from? That isn't going to happen. Everyone else in the class obviously agrees, though. They really can't think for themselves. You can't just take somebody's word with nothing to back it up. I mean she makes random claims left and right and people agree! This class is just getting better and better. The only reason we read Night (a book about the Holocaust) is because she compares it to the current situation. I don't understand. We have been replacing our floor this week, by the way. It's going pretty well. We get to go out to eat every night, it's fun. Except for the whole not having a floor part, of course. Casper and Leo are getting freaked out. Not having a floor is strange to cats, especially when these strange people come in every day and make loud noises. Wednesday I stayed after school for a YMCA Leadership program meeting, the second one. I forgot that I had an orthodontic appointment, though, so my mom couldn't pick me up afterward. I went to Parker's instead. At LOGOS we went out to eat for a change (as I said before, we've been going out to eat every night). We went to Ruby Tuesday's. Not a bad restaurant, not bad at all. I noticed that we now have a Best Buy now, I hope to go shopping there ASAP. I'm trying to keep at least $70 for Halo 2 and a few other things though. I can't spend much. Our counselor is planning a trip to New York over Spring Break. Nathaniel is going, and I plan to as well. I'm going to sign up tomorrow. This will be my second time in New York, the first being last summer. We had a good time, and the school trip is going to visit a lot of different places from the ones we went to last time, so it will still be interesting. (It would anyway, but this makes it more interesting). Today I did the orthodontic appointment I missed. One more visit before I get them off! FINALLY!
That is all for now.


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