Friday, October 08, 2004

I do not agree with Catholic beliefs

I do not agree with Catholic beliefs. I went to a Catholic school from kindergarden to fourth grade, so I do know a lot about their beliefs. I don't agree with annulment, or Hail Mary's, or any other prayers to saints. Why waste your time praying to followers of God when you could be praying to their God? One thing is for sure (at least in my belief), the world is not in the hands of saints, but our God who created it. It doesn't make sense to pray to anyone but God (or Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, but they are the same) to me. But I'm a Methodist. By the way, just to clear a possible conflict up, Catholics do not bother me. It's unchristian in my opinion to be aggravated at a person for their beliefs. I simply do not agree with their beliefs.
The second debate was tonight. I watched the entire thing this time. Bush really trampled Kerry. Also, I found out Kerry is Catholic, but supports abortion. There's another flip-flop.
Well, today in English 10 less people were putting Bush as the bad guy, but still noone has put him as the good guy. Oh well. Maybe I'll be the only one... that would be quite interesting.
Fuzzy came over today and we played Halo and Battlefront, and when his parents got here we watched about half of the debate together. Then I watched the rest when they left (pretty much his entire family came to pick him up after they went out for dinner).
One month until Halo 2 tomorrow. We won't be here. We're going to Hampton for the Trinity Methodist picnic. I won't be able to write while I'm there, but I'll be back on Sunday.
Oh, and to clear up a possible misunderstanding, the topic of each log is not supposed to be negative. I'll try to get some positives up there soon, I just have to think of a few interesting ones.
Well, for a Friday, this isn't very much, but I guess that's all.


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