Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I enjoy storms

I enjoy storms. I didn't used to, it scared me especially at night when I was trying to sleep. But now, it's relaxing. The beating of the rain, the natural fireworks of lightning, it's like an amazing performance directed by God. Just thought I'd say that because we have a tornado warning here right now and it has been kind of rainy. It's stopped right now though. Also, to prevent any confusion, tornadoes are not included in "storms" in my opinion. Hurricanes maybe though...
Well, there's been a lot happening. The 10th grade counselor sent us an e-mail that said the first 5 people to respond and get a 1200 on the PSAT today he would take to lunch. I emailed back two hours after he sent it. He also says he plans to take students to New York during spring break for $350. I may do that... not sure yet though. The PSAT was today; almost everyone took it. The reading part was difficult, but math was EASY. And I hear the real SAT math was easier. Can't imagine how. (hypothetical situation) "Did you get 2 for #7? It was a little hard, wasn't it." "You mean 1+1? No, that's 11, stupid." OK enough stupid jokes. We had Logos today. The topic was "should there be an amendment banning gay marriage and why?" OK, first background info I guess. Logos is a church program (mostly for children) that meets each Wednesday. Since I'm in high school, I'm in the senior high Logos (yes there is also junior high, those are mostly middle school people). Senior high Logos is awesome. We get there at 4, and play video games until 5. Then we have "activity time." That's the boring part. At 5:30 we either go to Central Cafe or continue playing games. This week we played games. Then at 6:15 we have dinner. After dinner we go up to the youth suite and have bible study, although we don't exactly study the bible. At the beginning of the year we write down questions regarding Christian life and they are drawn each week. They are discussed the next week to give us time to prepare our answers. Then we discuss the topic the next Wednesday. The format is this: we start at one corner of the room and each person gives his/her answer. If you wish to comment on the SUBJECT but not directly to the person speaking, you may take the "conch" (which is not actually a conch, sometimes it's a hammer, sometimes a handle that goes to a couch) (read "Lord of the Flies" to better understand this) and speak freely without interruption. After we give our answers the graduated students can comment and Lee gives his opinion, which is generally accepted as true. He knows more than us, what do you expect? Anyway, after that long explanation, the topic was "should there be an amendment banning gay marriage and why?" The answer as we determined (most people said this and then Lee agreed) was "No." We decided that although it is sinful to practice homosexuality, an amendment should not be created because we were given a choice. Also, we decided the amendment would not pass because it blocks our freedom, and I believe there would be another civil rights movement if that was passed. Not good. There may also be increased discrimination against gays if it was illegal for them to marry. We pretty much ran out of time and everyone wanted to get home safe at that point. The tornado warning had been issued, so the person taking me home (ask me who it was later if you want to know) was a bit nervous. The air was calm where we were though so I tried to calm her down. She said she would have freaked out if she had been alone... are there other people out there that find storms relaxing or am I just strange? Don't answer that; I already know the answer. Both! Tomorrow the yearbook teacher is going to take me out of first period so I can help with the computer. Yaay no Algebra II!
Hmm well I believe that is sufficiently thorough.


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