Sunday, October 17, 2004

I am a very organized person

I am a very organized person. My room is almost always clean, and I try to do everything in an organized manner. I'm the kind of person that takes five minutes to set up the graph paper before drawing the lines (or parabolas) (or scatter plots). Sometimes it even bothers people how I do things. I take longer than most people because everything has to be perfect. I guess you could call me a perfectionist, but I don't think that's quite it. (wait, does it make me a perfectionist if I have to have the perfect word to describe myself?)
It's been a while because I've been busy. OK, so not with hard stuff like projects and such, simple stuff. But nevertheless, I've been busy. On Thursday I went to yearbook during first period and guess what! We made a discovery! Our computers are MESSED UP! Anyway, we also had the high school pep rally for the Gryphons. It was about as messed up as the computers. All it was was people screaming "07" and "08" or bad things about the other years at the top of their lungs. There were some other things happening on the floor, but you couldn't hear (or see if the people in front of you got up to scream) them. It was a failure, as it is every year. At least in my eyes. The hyped up people that can scream loud enough to break a glass probably had fun though. On Friday I put several CDs on Stumpy and went to Archon's that afternoon. Fuzzy and Wheezy both called me there; Wheezy twice. We had a good time though and especially got a lot of practice in Star Wars Battlefront. We came back to Stony Valley and Archon came with me for the party. He learned how to play Age of the Empires while he was here, and a little Age of Mythology too. About an hour after he got here, Trulegend called. He said Ruiner had cancelled the party the day before and had assumed everyone knew. His parents were going to be out of town. Any attempts to call him before or after this result in an instant response from a message machine. Some spoke of kicking him out of fog at this point. I wasn't that far, although I personally was aggravated because now Archon was stuck at my house until 7:30 when faloopaloop could bring him to his house. This is why my starter today is what it is. Disorganization bothers me. Moving on now, when I talked to Fuzzy a little after I fould out, he said he could have about four or five people at his house, but it would have to be around 4:15-4:30 because he had to go to Faith Christian's fall festival. I invited Wheezy because when he called he said he was bored out of his mind. He came to my house and we fooled around here until Fuzzy picked us up. One thing in particular we did was to look at and look at the hilarious movie there. At Fuzzy's, we did mostly 2 vs 3 (Archon and I vs Fuzzy, Avenging, and Wheezy) on Halo with the system link. Good times, good times. I was the last to leave; my parents had about forgotten me. Today Wheezy didn't show up for church or youth. He got in trouble somehow and his parents let him go to Fuzzy's and also got him an SUV the day before but didn't let him go to church in the morning or for youth or to go play golf with superman which superman had planned his whole day around. Youth went well, at least. By the way, I forgot to grab my math book after the pep rally on Thursday in the frantic rush to get out so I had to rely on copies from the book from superman. I picked them up after church in the morning and worked on them some at his house and then went home and discovered I was missing a few pages. I got the rest at youth that night and spent my time after youth (except for time spent doing this and a few other things) doing the rest of my math homework. And it's Algebra II, so it isn't exactly a walk in the park. So, to sum up the situation:
~Everyone is mad at Ruiner
~superman is mad at Wheezy and probably somewhat me too for forgetting my book
~I am mad at myself for forgetting my book
~Wheezy is in trouble and has a new car he can't drive because he doesn't even have his permit yet
~Everyone is thankful for Almon because he took us in when Ruiner would not
~Archon is probably mad because he came to Stony Valley just in time to find out the party was cancelled
~I am thankful for superman because he gave me copies of the pages I needed in the math book
~Wheezy, Archon and I looked at and laughed as we never have before (OK... so maybe that's exaggeration, but nevertheless...)
Interesting weekend, eh?


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