Sunday, October 31, 2004

I hate yellowjackets

I hate yellowjackets. And wasps. And hornets. But I can't say I hate bees until after November 9th. Until then, I still love bees. I was stung by a yellowjacket when I was like 7 at the beach and my whole arm swelled up. AT THE BEACH. How cruel is that. I had to go to the DOCTOR, for crying out loud. I think that made me practically immune to them though. I wasn't stung again until a few months ago, when I was mowing the lawn and "found" a nest. There was one on my ankle, which scared me, then I smacked him, looked up, and realized I was surrounded by yellowjackets. They were mad too. Wouldn't get off unless I squished them. I won't go any further on that topic though.
Well ilovebees just won't end. The SP and Queen are now combined and just Melissa, but it's not over. Nobody cares though, 'xcept "me" and other people on the ilovebees blog who really don't care in any way about my life. New Halo 2 movie, not much about Halo 2 actually though. Interesting gameplay shots though. One thing- just seems like the ground and people are separate, or different. Looks a bit too computer generated, hope it looks better in person. At any rate, the gameplay itself is better. But this blog is about my life, not Bungie's, right? My Algebra II teacher actually didn't call for that assignment so she did accept it even though it was over a week late. YES thank you maybe now I can maintain my A in math for life. Not much interesting on Friday I guess, didn't feel like commenting though. Saturday I worked some more on the island and other stuff. I went to a party at superman's and had a pretty good time. Halo is so awesome. Even if you lose, in the words of Bungie, "You hate it, but you love it, and you gotta play it again." And it's true. Not much longer until elections, and Halo 2, and oh yeah Pilgrimage. Pilgrimage is a Methodist youth trip to Fayetteville where you get to hear speakers and do other stuff. For example, sit in your room and PLAY HALO 2! I bet you can guess what I'll be doing any chance I get. Today we had the time change, and it's also Halloween! I skipped Youth because we weren't having small groups. I would have only gone for twenty minutes. Well Wheezy also scheduled for our small group to go to dinner, but my mom bought steaks so I stayed home anyway. While I was working today I kept seeing wasps, yellowjackets, etc again and again. I didn't get stung, but in the words of the Pious Flea, "Creepy." There's a special on MTV next Friday about Halo 2. Can't wait to see that.
Not a very exciting weekend, pretty normal.


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