Thursday, October 28, 2004

I can't pay attention very easily

I can't pay attention very easily. If something interesting is happening, sure, no problem, but if not, I will zone out pretty quickly. Anyone that knows me can tell you that. Everyone has noticed. It's hard for me to pay attention in class. One of the reasons, strangely, is because I don't have to. I can miss a day that we learned something new and come back and understand it by doing the homework, even though the rest of the class took the whole period learning it from the teacher and still didn't understand. I could be done with high school math right now. I would rather not though, because then I would go insane with boredom, although I may anyway. I learn something remotely interesting or slightly difficult on an average of about once a month. Maybe twice. It just... makes sense... without the need for explanation. I haven't been able to pay attention to review for as long as I can remember, and we have been reviewing a lot, especially lately. It doesn't help that I have games on my calculator, but I had to delete them today because Dad told me to. I only had them for like 8 weeks.
The final deadline for yearbook stuff was actually yesterday. I got my spread done but it needs work. The teacher said we'll have to do it in proof, which costs money. It doesn't actually cost me money, but nevertheless. I finished beating Halo on Heroic today, not that hard except for the part where there is a stream of sentinels and you have to get a rocket in the tubes. I ran out of rockets because it wasn't triggering the explosion. The new ilovebees transmissions are hot, only one more batch to go. New Halo 2 commercial out too. Looks pretty cool. What do you expect anyway? In Algebra II I didn't hear the teacher call for a Portfolio Activity again. Dang it. I really do doubt that she actually did. The only time I have turned one of those in out of the three we've had I turned it in without her calling for it. I'm going to have to talk with her about that. She gave me a zero last time because it was a week later when I realized I still had it, now the exact same thing happened again. If I get a B because I can't hear her calling for assignments I don't know what I'll do. I've never made anything but As in math my entire life. What's ironic is that I have made several Bs in English and social studies, but I have a perfect 100 in there right now. How stupid is that? Ok so I have a 100 in English, I don't know what I have in social studies. I can guarantee you this though: it's better than my average in math, sadly enough. Oh well I don't mean to complain I am doing very well in school but sometimes these things get a little aggravating. Have to let it out somewhere, I figure a blog is the best place. Even... though... someone from ilovebees might be reading this because I comment up there all the time. Oh well that's why I have the whole code thingy anyway. By the way our question yesterday at Logos was "Should Christians celebrate Halloween?" We said yes. There is nothing wrong with it. If anything, it is wrong not to, because that just makes Christians seem like spoil-sports. Not the kind of image we want to portray. We want to be remembered not as the ones that turned their lights off and complained about Halloween, but the ones who had the best decorations and the best candy on the street. We want to have a good name for ourselves. Under some circumstances it would be wrong to do something for popularity but since Halloween is not the "Devil's Day" unless you make it that by calling it that, there is nothing wrong with it. Remember: Halloween is what you make it. If you merely let your children collect candy from the neighbors, I don't see how you can be accused of any wrong. If you tell people it is the "Devil's Day", then that is what it will become. But as it is, it is not evil in any way. Well, I'll stop now bacause I'm probably repeating myself.
I probably won't be able to comment on Wednesdays very often by the way, they are very busy for me and I don't have much time.
That is all.


Blogger Doug said...

Thank you for saying that 12 times.

10/31/2004 4:59 PM  

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