Monday, October 25, 2004

I have a strange sleep system

I have a strange sleep system. I can stay up very late and not be very tired the next day at all. Sometimes I'll go to sleep on time and wake up as usual and be almost irresistably sleepy the entire day. Sometimes I'll wake up and be energetic all day. It doesn't seem to correlate with the amount of sleep I got the night before. If I stay up all night and play video games with friends, I am tired the next day. Sometimes more tired than other times. I can stay awake, but I really want to sleep or rest. I can rest as long as I stay awake, but I cannot take naps. If I take a nap then I can't sleep that night. I'll be extremely tired for about three hours after I wake up too. There's about a thirty minute period when I am sure it is the next day, because I just woke up. Then I'm called to dinner and there is a thirty minute period of complete confusion. My brain is working slow and it doesn't make sense at all. My vision is even blurry and swaying. Yeah, it's pretty bad. So, I sit on the couch and STAY AWAKE instead. Normally just resting like this makes me feel better pretty fast and I can be wide awake for the rest of the day. (Sorry if I'm creeping people out, it sounds worse than it actually is)
Monday. Exciting, as always. We had prayer breakfast at Dunkin Donuts. Wheezy got the everything bagel, which smells really bad because it has everything including onions and garlic. He always gets it there though, so you kind of get used to it, even if it's only about once a month that we go there. In Seminar we are still watching "Schindler's List." It has gotten... shall we say, interesting? A few, well a few funny scenes, a few nasty scenes, a few disgusting scenes. Oh and a lot of killing scenes, of course. What a fun movie! It isn't quite as bad as it could have been though. Spanish hasn't been that exciting lately. Not much new, wish we could get a move on. In yearbook we had a deadline today. My page isn't finished yet; final deadline (we were pushing for today but not many people made it) is tomorrow so I hope I can finish it. Not much left I guess. Copy and info, and putting the pics in place, and making sure the format is ok. I hope I can get it done tomorrow, but I might not. Half the people in the class probably won't. Anyway enough about school. Amba says she likes those bands, so I guess that's one person in the world. She couldn't like all the stuff I do though because I have 40 some albums! All but a few are really good I think. Almost done putting them all on Stumpy. I played Halo a lot today, tried to beat some stuff on Heroic. I hadn't tried in months, and I only got Stumpy last May, so I had improved a lot. It wasn't really that hard now. There were a few parts, like the last bridge part on Assault on the Control Room, where the Banshees are. I only had 2 health bars left, so my only chance was to get a sticky on the elite and make a break for the first banshee. After a few tries I did it! Happy days! Then I was shot by the MORTAR. Dang what bad luck. After a few more tries I did it right though. I was about to lose my mind going in circles though, making sure the mortar couldn't take another cheap shot, even though I was pretty sure it couldn't. Then I had even less health and had to beat the army behind the door. Don't know how I made it through that one, although I can say I came out of it killing the last elite with one bar of red health and no shields. Just think... one more hit and I would have had to go back to getting in the Banshee! Ok well enough rambling about Halo. Judging by the size and amount of posts I have though Halo is NOT my entire life. Just about one third. Or maybe five twelfths... well not much new on ilovebees although it's supposed to add new transmissions tomorrow. :-) That will be one of the last two! Well I know how fascinated all my friends are with ilovebees so I'll just shut up about that now.
Not that much new, not that much.


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