Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I am still alive

I am still alive. Yep, you heard it. I really haven't had a chance to update lately, so let me catch you up just a bit.
Everyone hates IB. Seriously.
There are 16 girls, and 4 guys (Though there were 5)
1st Period: good break. Psychology, and we don't do that much. We watch movies (most of them relevant) and talk and read newspapers and stuff.
2nd Period: Am. History/Literature. Literature is pretty cool, I let the teacher read "one" and she liked it, and History, well, we are learning a lot, and the teacher is really good and likes me, but she can be pretty harsh.
3rd Period: Math/Biology. Math, a bore to Hutch and me, and completely impossible to everyone else. We read books while the teacher explains problems we understood to start off. Biology, not bad, but I'm not doing that well. We do a lot of labs, but that isn't all great, because then there's the lab writeups, and I don't think I quite have that mastered yet.
4th Period: Spanish. Our teacher wasn't here for the first six weeks. We had an awesome sub the first couple, then a horrible one for three, then our old Span II teacher for the last week, which was nice, he's a good teacher.
After school activities:
Tues: help out with yearbook
Wed: LOGOS from 4 to 8 pm
Thurs: SCA first Thurs. of every month
Fri: Science Olympiad
Sat: FOG around once a month (such a chore)
Sun: Church, Sunday School, Team Go, Youth Orchestra, Youth Revolution, Small Groups
Who would've guessed Monday would be my break day...
Anyway yah, what you see above has basically been my life for the past six weeks or so. That and the Helix project (one week) and biking. If I haven't stopped by your house, I bike around and stop by some peoples' houses almost every day. I'll go around five miles to get to a house, so tell me where you live and I'll stop by sometime. I've found it to be a good way to get to know the other people in the IB class that generally stick to themselves. And a good way to keep up with people not in IB. And a good way to talk to anyone else.
Other than that, you may notice I started a poetic thinking blog. That is a lot easier to update than this blog, because I don't have to write some gigantic post like I always do on this blog.
Hmm… random events:
FOG at my house a few weeks ago, we had 12 people at one point
Rock Climbing last Friday night, from 9 pm to 8 am Saturday
Psychology Katrina Relief Yard Sale Saturday, missed first shift (6-9), so I went to second. Hutch and I had a good time listening to music in our cars [Tool/Halo 2/Praxis/Rollins Band]
Aramaia’s b-day party (I got to go!)
Trulegend got his license
Went to a couple football games and a soccer game (hadn’t been to a Gryphons game)
Well, that’s really all I can think of for now. And life will go on in much the same way…


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