Saturday, September 23, 2006


I felt strange leaving this blog in such a strange font and such. the courier new phase was not a long one, and not one related to the time in which these blogs were written. I have tried to bring this blog back to the way it looked originally, although I lost the earlier links in the process. That was an accident. Fact is, in looking through history, and especially when tampering with it, it is inevitable that the history is changed, and changes you. These blogs no longer accurately portray who I am on the surface, but in my heart, I am still this person, lord sobaguda. I may call myself ilb Janissary, I may change in my speech, writing, surface beliefs, and developing ideas, but at my heart, I will always be a thinker, always be a tireless romantic, always be a writer. After all, ilb Janissary comes from the roots of this blog, the very beginning, the reason I made this blog in the first place, and in the same way, I am unavoidably rooted in that time. Thank you for reading, and see you in the afterlife, I'm sure.


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