Winter is my favorite season
Winter is my favorite season. As you may have noticed, I mentioned before that I love the cold. Also, that's when Christmas is. I found a site once online that had various tests from "Which Of The Greek Gods Are You" to "Which Alchoholic Drink Are You." They sound pretty stupid, I know, but it's also kind of interesting. Let's see... what was the site... ah it was Ha- they even call them "truly dippy" quizzes. The results are interesting though. Anyway, they have a quiz called "Which Season Are You," and my result was "Winter." Here is my result:
You're Most Like The Season Winter ...
You're often depicted as the cold, distant season,
but you're incredibly intelligent, mature and
independent. You have an air of power around
you - and that can sometimes scare people off.
You're complex, and get hurt easily - so you
rarely let people in if you can help it. You
can be somewhat of a loner, but just as easily
you could be the leader of many. You tend to be
negative, and hard to relate to, but you give
off a relaxed image despite being insecure -
and secretly many people long to be like you,
not knowing how deep the Winter season really
Well done... You're the most inspirational of
seasons :)
?? Which Season Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
Sometimes it can be freakishly right. That, for example. What a compliment though. One thing though... to clear up an issue, I am really not hurt easily. I can take any insult hurled at me and keep walking on. It doesn't bother me as much as some people. Also, I'm not really insecure. But everthing else... head on. I mean, that's amazing. Out of four choices too, you would think that there were more types of people...
Well this week has been fun. Friday was Christmas Eve, so we went to my aunt and uncle's house for the family Christmas Eve party. We get-and open!-presents from my mom's side. It was fun. Then- Christmas! I got many games and CDs on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Six CDs, and four games. I also got Andes! Andes is my favorite chocolate. That will probably be the title of the next post ajá! Then the day after Christmas it snowed all over North Carolina and Virginia. We would have gone to Virginia to visit family, but we couldn't get out of town because of the snow. The next day it was clear enough to go up though. We had a good time up there. We got to see my uncle's train sets (Laugh while you can- you should see the setup he has!) and we also got to go see "Fighter Pilot" at the Imax. It was a good film- very interesting and very well done. We also got to open our presents from dad's side of the family. We came back home on Thursday. I went to Fuzzy's house on Friday and helped his little brother in building his new lego set. Wait that sounds too nice. OK background info- 1: his "little brother" isn't little at all and is only about three years younger than Fuzzy. 2: the "lego set" is one of the biggest ones on sale- the Star Destroyer from Star Wars. It has more than 6000 pieces. Anyway, we got just a little work done on that. Then we left for Archon's. We played with faloopaloop and trulegend for a few hours before faloopaloop left, and then trulegend had to leave. Archon got a new game: Battle for Middle Earth, an RTS, so we played that for hours. Fuzzy played as Mordor and we waited for more than three hours so that he could get enough points to summon the Balrog for ten minutes. It was pretty cool, but I'm not sure if it was worth it. Also, faloopaloop gave him a game called "Katamari Damacy." It is the most hilarious game! You just roll stuff into a ball and try to get the ball as large as possible. I won't go into detail, but the game is just hilarious! Anyway, my mom picked me and Fuzzy up at eleven this morning and brought us both home. Not much has happened today, except I did get to talk to Aramaia for a bit. School starts next week. Boo.
It's been a good week.

You're Most Like The Season Winter ...
You're often depicted as the cold, distant season,
but you're incredibly intelligent, mature and
independent. You have an air of power around
you - and that can sometimes scare people off.
You're complex, and get hurt easily - so you
rarely let people in if you can help it. You
can be somewhat of a loner, but just as easily
you could be the leader of many. You tend to be
negative, and hard to relate to, but you give
off a relaxed image despite being insecure -
and secretly many people long to be like you,
not knowing how deep the Winter season really
Well done... You're the most inspirational of
seasons :)
?? Which Season Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
Sometimes it can be freakishly right. That, for example. What a compliment though. One thing though... to clear up an issue, I am really not hurt easily. I can take any insult hurled at me and keep walking on. It doesn't bother me as much as some people. Also, I'm not really insecure. But everthing else... head on. I mean, that's amazing. Out of four choices too, you would think that there were more types of people...
Well this week has been fun. Friday was Christmas Eve, so we went to my aunt and uncle's house for the family Christmas Eve party. We get-and open!-presents from my mom's side. It was fun. Then- Christmas! I got many games and CDs on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Six CDs, and four games. I also got Andes! Andes is my favorite chocolate. That will probably be the title of the next post ajá! Then the day after Christmas it snowed all over North Carolina and Virginia. We would have gone to Virginia to visit family, but we couldn't get out of town because of the snow. The next day it was clear enough to go up though. We had a good time up there. We got to see my uncle's train sets (Laugh while you can- you should see the setup he has!) and we also got to go see "Fighter Pilot" at the Imax. It was a good film- very interesting and very well done. We also got to open our presents from dad's side of the family. We came back home on Thursday. I went to Fuzzy's house on Friday and helped his little brother in building his new lego set. Wait that sounds too nice. OK background info- 1: his "little brother" isn't little at all and is only about three years younger than Fuzzy. 2: the "lego set" is one of the biggest ones on sale- the Star Destroyer from Star Wars. It has more than 6000 pieces. Anyway, we got just a little work done on that. Then we left for Archon's. We played with faloopaloop and trulegend for a few hours before faloopaloop left, and then trulegend had to leave. Archon got a new game: Battle for Middle Earth, an RTS, so we played that for hours. Fuzzy played as Mordor and we waited for more than three hours so that he could get enough points to summon the Balrog for ten minutes. It was pretty cool, but I'm not sure if it was worth it. Also, faloopaloop gave him a game called "Katamari Damacy." It is the most hilarious game! You just roll stuff into a ball and try to get the ball as large as possible. I won't go into detail, but the game is just hilarious! Anyway, my mom picked me and Fuzzy up at eleven this morning and brought us both home. Not much has happened today, except I did get to talk to Aramaia for a bit. School starts next week. Boo.
It's been a good week.
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