Thursday, November 11, 2004

I hate bees again now

I hate bees again now. Ilovebees is over boo hoo. It was such a sad ending too. Fortunately the first assault was a mistake. Maybe Earth still has a chance... the prophets are dying... only Tru7h is left now. The MC killed Regret and a flood killed Mercy... Tru7h will fall. Then the Covenant's leadership may fail as it already is when they gave Brutes power over Elites... a rebellion has begun... Halo 2 is so awesome. But I guess I'm revealing too much so that's enough about that.
Once again I have been very busy. Wow the last post was over a week ago. Hmm on Thursday not much I remember. On Friday I saw The Incredibles with Fuzzy. Then I went to his house and beat him at Halo! Couldn't sleep over though. The next day I went to church to help out with the youth selling drinks, chili, and hot chocolate mix at the shopping spree thingy. Then I went home, did a little homework, played some games, etc. I wanted to get xbox live on Sunday so I could set it up but Dad wouldn't let me. I'm still trying to convince him to let me. Not much exciting on Sunday other than that. Monday, well Monday was a Monday. Prayer breakfast was a bit confusing this week because our youth leader forgot to set his clock for the first time in seven years I think he said. Parker and I were about to leave. I did as much homework as possible that night. Tuesday was.... HALO 2 HALO 2 HALO 2 HALO 2 HALO 2!!!!!!! I played it as much as possible that afternoon. Wednesday I beat everyone at Halo 2 at Logos. Everyone was still getting used to it. Today I went to Noname's for a Halo 2 party after a little practice. Archon came to my house at three and we left after a little practice together. First we did a free for all and I won with 100! Ruiner had 99! I can't believe I beat him. I got up to 50 and then he started catching up as he, and everyone else, got used to the game. I still won though yay! The other games we played were fun too, but around 8:15 Noname's copy of Halo 2 stopped working. It got scratched inside the xbox somehow. So, everyone went home at 8:30. And thus here I am. On Veteran's Day. With Halo 2 and not playing it. Wait..... did I just WASTE TIME WRITING WHEN I HAVE HALO 2??
Goodbye PC, hello xbox.


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