Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I am a Conservative Republican

I am a conservative republican. Of course you may have noticed that already in my little description box, but it fits today's theme. GO BUSH YESSS Poor Mrs. Liberal, she's like depressed. And her daughter too. And she's mad at me because I said "Yay" when she said she was so sad about the elections. She said her daughter was so depressed she called her three times this morning. I laughed, and she was a bit aggravated. But what do you expect. Maybe laughing at my English teacher isn't the best idea on second thought, but I couldn't help myself. Even if I had tried not to I would have bursted out laughing. Poor liberals, yay conservatives! superman's like solid conservative though; I mean he won't agree with anything liberal or vote for any democrat he says, no matter the circumstances. I'm not that crazy.
Well let's see it's been a few days so where did I leave off.... wow was it last Sunday? I've been pretty busy; we've (the Beekeepers that is) been trying to create a clan for ourselves and I WANT IN. One problem: I don't have xbox live. But that will be fixed soon enough; I plan to get it on the ninth along with HALO 2 YAY! I so wish I could go to the midnight madness thing but my parents won't let me. Party poopers. I want to go to bed at 5, wake up near midnight and go buy Halo 2 and then play it until I have to go to school. I don't think they'll go for that though. Maybe... if I get all As (which I really hope I do), I could convince them to let me..... no I really don't think that will work somehow. Oh well, I'll probably just get it after school ASAP! It's coming up fast though. These are the final days, the days we all wait in great anticipation, at least us Halo freaks, me and the rest of the beekeepers that is. Noone else really cares. Imagine that, noone caring about anything but the gameplay on the best game (supposedly) ever made! Well Logos was today again, our question was "What is the thing that gives you the most doubt about your religion?" My answer was mostly the fact that in the New Testament they are always saying the return is near...... and now 2000 years later nothing has happened. The only explanation I have is that it was merely a motivational strategy. Although I hear for some people it worked in reverse; they didn't care about their lives our buisnesses or responsibilities because they thought the world would end any day. Paul got on them about that though and told them to start giving value to their lives now. Monday and Tuesday weren't very exciting. Today was at least a little interesting with Logos. I had to borrow cwdrums' Civics book tonight; I left mine at school because I realized I wouldn't need it for vocabulary, but it took me until a few hours ago to realize I needed it for book work. Well it's all over now, it kind of freaked me out though because I think she was talking about grading it. It's nice to have cwdrums around the corner though. Lol I had to write a letter back to him for Seminar, not much to respond to but I managed. He mostly repeated "I didn't get anything out of this book" in as many ways as he could think of to try to take up the entire page. It was funny, and he got a 75 on it only because it didn't have a quote from the book lol. I stayed after school for another YMCA Leadership Program meeting today. Only 5 people stayed through the whole thing, and I didn't know any of the other four. I may drop out, it really isn't working out at SVSH. Not enough people willing to participate. I wish I could be in more clubs; I need to have something to put on my resume besides Science Olympiad. I hope to be in a LOT of clubs next year if I'm at SVSH. I may go to the School of Science and Math though. Wow this blog is getting long. I mean I hoped it would but I didn't know how long I would keep it up. I get fascinated with certain things (my thing right now at least for video games is mainly Halo and Halo 2), but after a while it gets boring. I assure you that will happen with this blog sooner or later, so realize that this blog is not always going to be an endless pit of words. I would sure hate to try to read the whole blog through at this point. Well, it's late, I decided to stay up tonight and get this done because I had been so bust the last few days, but as I said before I don't have much time on Wednesdays so I have to stay up to get anything done that I want to do.
Well, good night!


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