Thursday, December 23, 2004

I hate long lines

I hate long lines. I mean, I know most people do, but I would do anything to avoid them. I hate crowds too. Waiting is something I don't cope well with. Travel is another story though; as long as I have music or games I'm ok, but I cannot stand still for very long. In class I design and create when I'm bored, in the car I pull out my Walkman, but doing nothing bothers me. More so I think than some people.
The last full week of school was much like any other. On Wednesday in Spanish III we had a "fiesta," and students in the class brought food and drinks. I asked my mom to make some of her guacamole and she did. Some people didn't try it, some did. The teacher liked it very much and said to thank my mom, and so did one of the principals that came in. I had to try some myself, and I can personally say that it was indeed a good batch. In fact, all of the food was good! Needless to say, however, I didn't eat that much for lunch afterward! Also, we had a teacher appreciation day in yearbook. We didn't do anything really though. We brought money, food and drink, and half of the food was ours to pig out on. We watched a movie as well. My parents got a note from my yearbook teacher complimenting my work for the semester and asking if I could help out a little next semester as well, although I have Chemistry for 4th period instead. She asked me in class also, and I said I would try to any chance I got. Saturday I went to Toys R Us for the closing sale and bought xbox live! I couldn't set it up yet though. Sunday we went to the Youth Christmas party. Monday I got xbox live set up and also we went to U.S. Cellular and got a family mobile plan! I have a cellphone and xbox live now! IM me or call the home number to get my cell, I don't exactly want to post that on the internet. I will tell you my gamertag, however, and that is Lord Sobaguda. Tuesday I went to Fuzzy's and played a little Halo 2 and Age of Mythology. Also I got to rub it in a little that I have xbox live and he doesn't! He's probably going to get it soon now that I've said that though. Yesterday Archon came into town and we played xbox live together for a few hours. He stayed for the night and left early this morning. Not much happening today, although I think something might be happening tomorrow. Wait... isn't that Christmas Eve? jk Well I guess that's all, and I'll be posting ASAP after Christmas, although that may mean the Wednesday after or something like that. We have a Christmas Eve party every year and then we go to Hampton on Christmas or the day after. Then there's Seth's b-day and New Year's Eve party coming up soon!
That is all- Merry Christmas!


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