Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Music helps me concentrate

Music helps me concentrate. I think I may have mentioned this before but not as a topic. With music, I can listen and work more efficiently. Without music, my mind wanders and I begin sketching and thinking about other things. ADD probably. I haven't been tested but it seems like I have it. I love music though. My Algebra II teacher was talking with a few other people today about how it can be so hard to concentrate with any distractions. I wanted to say something but decided not to.
Life is as it always has been. On Friday I played Halo 2 a bit before leaving for Pilgrimage at 4 in the afternoon. We got there on time and had dinner at a very crowded Hardees in Fayetteville. We went to the hotel and discovered we couldn't use my xbox without an adaptor. The TV was too old. Then we went to the first session and after that to bed. It was raining outside so when we got out of the building we had to run through the rain to the van. Actually our youth leader volunteered to go get it, but we were standing out in the rain waiting and there were about 30 vans, or buses, in line, so we walked. It took a while, and I, in shorts and a T-shirt as usual, got soaked, but we got there. I actually enjoyed it. Yeah I know, that's weird, but only as weird as being out there in shorts and a T-shirt in the first place. Saturday morning we went to Waffle House for breakfast- my first time eating there- and then to the morning session. After that we went to lunch at Boston Market- my first and most likely last time eating there (too expensive; not that great of food either, I got a kids meal)- and then went to see the Incredibles. But it was sold out, so we tried for Shark Tale. But it was sold out so we bought tickets (probably some of the last ones) for Polar Express. Dang I didn't want to see that movie. I just wanted to get the adaptor and go play Halo 2. But nooo, we have to go see some kids movie. I didn't leave the theater, but I got pretty close. Especially when things happened like the whole rear of the train flying forward as soon as the train hit the ice and when the kids whole room shakes like a meteor hit the room when the train comes. After that we got the adaptor and played Halo 2 a while. We went to Wendy's for dinner and then to the night session. By the way when I say session that is a group meeting of all the people at Pilgrimage when we sing, talk about other youth events, hear witnesses for Christ, and learn from a speaker. There were more than 6000 people this year, taking up about three fourths of a hockey stadium. On Sunday morning we got McDonald's to go and got home in time for the 9:00 service at church. That afternoon I went to Parker Brown's (my older cousin's son) second birthday. When I got home I went to Almon's for a while, got home and finished up my homework. Monday wasn't exactly exciting, we had prayer breakfast at Chick-Fil-A. I was pretty busy yesterday afternoon doing homework, reading my book, and playing Halo 2. I beat it by the way. On easy though, not an accomplishment in any sense of the word. Now I'm doing it on normal, which can actually be considered beating it, although not with any difficulty. Today I got permission to use the 2-month free trial for xbox live, which I plan to use when I get an ethernet cord so I can set it up.
That is all. I think.


Blogger Doug said...

Yeah that's why they lost Saturday right? That's what I thought. VT wins 10-24!

11/29/2004 10:51 AM  

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