Monday, January 24, 2005

I enjoy writing

I enjoy writing. That's a good thing, considering I may be in IB next year, and if not then most likely I will be at School of Science and Math (if I'm accepted, that is). I write even when I'm not required sometimes. Last year I wrote an eight page story for no reason in the world. A lot of people read it and said it was pretty good, but it was obvious why they were interested. Maybe I'll explain someday, but as for now, I'll leave you to wonder on that. Amba suggested that if I run out of topics like these, I write sections of that story (of course, edited for the internet lol) as topics instead. Maybe sometime, but I have much left I could tell. I may resort to that sooner than I now think, however. We shall see. Anyway, I am also starting a novel. It is sort of postponed for now, though, since I now have a 4000 word essay to write by May. It was an option Mrs. Liberal gave me instead of doing all six of the essays I would have done. Given, I have already done two of them, but I would still like to take this chance. She gave us one to do in class, and another one that was a "personal narrative." Mine was "One Time at Band Camp." Even though I could have written about the ski trip I went on the day before I wrote that essay, I chose band camp. I knew I could write a lot more about that, since even though the ski trip was really fun, I can't really write that much about skiing for three days. A couple people said I should write about the ski trip when I first mentioned it though. Personally, I think the band camp essay turned out really well. For the long essay I'm writing about Atlantis, by the way. I get the feeling I'll be talking about that enough over the next few months. It is interesting, though. All the rumors, all the theories, started from two dialogues of Plato which amounted to about nine pages total of information regarding the island nation. Anyway, I'll get back to you on that when I'm deeper into the essay.
Well we didn't have school on Thursday. Nothing interesting happened, all of the snow melted by noon. We could have easily had a two hour delay, but nooooo. They had to call it a snow day. In case you haven't noticed, I've taken a side on the whole snow day thing. We might have a problem if we have a make up day for President's Day, because we'll be out of town. We'll be at the Homestead, and I don't want to have to miss a day up there. I guess we'll see though. Friday we did have school, however. After school I went to Science Olympiad, and went home asap to get ready for the fog. Fuzzy was already there when I got home. Other people started arriving soon after, so I set up the tvs and all, and we started playing Halo 2! We had a great time, and eight people showed up out of ten expected. It was a good thing, since we weren't able to set up a third tv and xbox. We had a bit of a problem sorting out the teams to make them even, but we had fun anyway. We had a newcomer, a friend of Payruiner's. His name (in the game) was Tshirtninja. There's a reference to who that is if I ever see him again. I can't let him join, though, since we already have max members. Nine is definitely enough. Too bad though, he's a great player. About equal to Trulegend, I would say. Not that you know what that means. Hey, I bet half the people reading this are wondering what in the world fog is and what guy would call himself Fuzzy. If you are one of these people, I would advise you read the first post. That should explain a few things. Well, a lot of things. Moving on, Saturday I didn't do much. I got really far on Metroid Prime 2, and I'm now at the final boss(es). Other than that, though, I did some homework, and talked on aim for a while. Sunday we went to the early service at church. I went to Fuzzy's that afternoon and I helped his brother out with the Star Destroyer for a while, among other things. We lost a few games of Ron, for one. In case you're about to start wondering who Ron is, it's an acronym. Rise of Nations, it's a great real time strategy game. Fuzzy insists that we play against coms on moderate, and his brother and I (I'm going to call his brother Avenging Light from now on) couldn't take it. All three of the coms would rush Fuzzy, and he could hold out pretty well but needed help. I would send army after army but my guys aren't good enough and it takes too long to get there. Avenging Light would just sit there. Heaven knows what he was doing. Anyway we lost about three games (to coms, not real people, in case you were wondering) that way, before we realized we should try something else. I went home later that night. This morning we had prayer breakfast at Hardees. Since Wheezy has xbox live now, we talked about that, along with how gullible he is. He asked someone on live how to do a cheat called the green sword (never heard it called that before and I have no idea why it's called that, it's a way to lock on with the sword- it's blue, by the way- from anywhere in the map using a rocket launcher to lock on so that when you switch weapons if you attack fast enough you are still locked on so you lunge at the person- whew that was long). The person told him to hit start, and then hit up, A, up, A. Of course, any true gamer knows that if you do that, you'll quit the game. Wheezy fell for it. That was hilarious, and the crazy thing is he told me. You see, I do stupid stuff like that too sometimes, but no one thinks I'm stupid because I DON'T TELL ANYONE. It's the smart thing to do, really. It is hilarious to talk to Wheezy though. Anyway prayer breakfast was good. We did our trial in Civics today. I think it went pretty well. We were a bit rushed though. It was a confusing trial though, and a lot of the people in the class didn't understand it. If they had listened to the opening statements they wouldn't have had any questions though. They must have just gotten interested halfway through.... Anyway it went well TRUST ME. That is all.


Blogger Doug said...

Thanks, but no thanks. I'm kind of attached to this blogger. Not that you'll ever read this...

1/25/2005 4:06 PM  

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