Monday, January 31, 2005

Stargate is my favorite show

Stargate is my favorite show. It's not one that most people keep up with, but I do! As I said in an earlier post, I love sci-fi, and this is a classic example. They discover this gate that can create a wormhole between worlds, they discover this big bad race called the Goa'uld that have these symbiotes that heal them and make them EVIL. Then there's this other race called the Jaffa that are slaves to the Goa'uld, and then there's all these other races like the Asgard, Tok'ra, Replicators, Ancients, and so many more. Really complicated, just the way I like sci-fi. That's just how it's supposed to be. Now there's another show called Stargate Atlantis that has another big bad life-sucking (quite literally) race called the Wraith. It's really good too. More weird races, impossible odds, you get the idea. Anyway they are both really good shows once you get into it and can understand what is happening.
Well last school week was very exciting- not- HAHAHAHA- oh excuse me. Wednesday was Logos and we talked about how who you are is not determined by how well you do in school. As important as school may be to me, this has never been a problem. I know that does not decide who I am. So, it wasn't that exciting. However I have a question to ask Lee for discussion, that being "Is Baptism a necessary part of becoming a Christian." Aramaia and I have been discussing this and I want to see what we can come up with at Logos. On Thursday they rescheduled Science Olympiad to that day, but I couldn't go because I had already told the yearbook teacher would help out that day. So that I did. Science Olympiad didn't have a large turnout because of the extremely short notice though, and apparently only about five people showed up. After helping out with yearbook I went to talk with the Science Olympiad teacher about what I missed. Crystal was talking to her at the time, so I joined the conversation. Apparently the Science Olympiad teacher is considering not going to the regional competition, but letting students that are still willing do their projects and try them out, so that we could still have Science Olympiad on our record this year. It's kind of sad how people refuse to work until the last minute, even though I am one of those people (I haven't gotten a chance to start working on Wright Stuff, the plane I need to build, but I plan to make it very soon). So, Friday I got out of school ON TIME! I'm used to having Science Olympiad that afternoon, so it was a nice break. Friday night I went to Youth Babysitting. I also called Alicia to confirm our "date" on Saturday (did I forget to mention that?). We went up to Greenville and went ice skating at the new rink there. A few of Aramaia's friends were there, and one I had met at Science Olympiad State Competition the year before, although I didn't recognize him right off. I had only been around him for a few hours then, I mean, what do you want from me? That was Aramaia's first time skating, but she did very well. I don't mean to broadcast the details over the internet, though. We both had a really good time. Afterwards we went back to her house and talked for a while. She showed me an essay she had written about the Holocaust. It was very well written; I can tell she is quite a writer. So we said our goodbyes and left because a "Winter weather alert" was in effect and they were predicting snow around four pm. There was no snow, however, and we had a safe ride home. I drove both ways. I talked to Fuzzy since I told him I would call, and went to bed. Sunday was a normal Sunday. Busy, as usual. Early church, then lunch, then we went to buy new dress shoes (I really needed them), I did my homework, went to youth, had dinner, and went to bed. Actually, there's one more thing. I talked to Aramaia that night. We have decided to do a Bible study on Romans together. We both read two chapters of Romans at night and one of us calls the other to talk about it the next day. So far it's been interesting, and I can tell it will help us tell what's going on in the other's life as well as let us know each other's beliefs better. This morning Dad didn't want to drive all the way out to Chick-fil-A, so I didn't go to prayer breakfast. Interesting event in English today though. Someone in class asks "What does "liberal" mean?" Well, Mrs. Liberal opens her mouth to speak, looks at me, and changes her mind. As she tries to explain what it means without bias, she stares at me waiting for any objections. Or, that's what it seemed like. She didn't say enough for me to have something to object to, though. She basically said (again, while staring intently at me) that it was like the "left side" of thinking. The person that asked the question was quick to point out that he was left-handed. It was hilarious! Mrs. Liberal then explained that she meant that in a completely different way. It is hard to define Liberal and Conservative, though. All I know is I disagree (respectfully, of course) with most of her ideas, and I'm the first person Mrs. Liberal looks to for a Conservative in the class. I think it's pretty cool, being of the opposing idea. I don't speak out enough, though, because she probably knows what she's talking about better than I do. Anything I could say she could most likely conter. BUT I STILL DISAGREE MWAHAHA! We often joke around that the Broad family has two family mottoes, "Obnoxious in victory, sultry in defeat" and "Often wrong, but never in doubt." It's just a joke, but a good one!
Anyway, that's the news for this week, and the family history lesson.

Monday, January 24, 2005

I enjoy writing

I enjoy writing. That's a good thing, considering I may be in IB next year, and if not then most likely I will be at School of Science and Math (if I'm accepted, that is). I write even when I'm not required sometimes. Last year I wrote an eight page story for no reason in the world. A lot of people read it and said it was pretty good, but it was obvious why they were interested. Maybe I'll explain someday, but as for now, I'll leave you to wonder on that. Amba suggested that if I run out of topics like these, I write sections of that story (of course, edited for the internet lol) as topics instead. Maybe sometime, but I have much left I could tell. I may resort to that sooner than I now think, however. We shall see. Anyway, I am also starting a novel. It is sort of postponed for now, though, since I now have a 4000 word essay to write by May. It was an option Mrs. Liberal gave me instead of doing all six of the essays I would have done. Given, I have already done two of them, but I would still like to take this chance. She gave us one to do in class, and another one that was a "personal narrative." Mine was "One Time at Band Camp." Even though I could have written about the ski trip I went on the day before I wrote that essay, I chose band camp. I knew I could write a lot more about that, since even though the ski trip was really fun, I can't really write that much about skiing for three days. A couple people said I should write about the ski trip when I first mentioned it though. Personally, I think the band camp essay turned out really well. For the long essay I'm writing about Atlantis, by the way. I get the feeling I'll be talking about that enough over the next few months. It is interesting, though. All the rumors, all the theories, started from two dialogues of Plato which amounted to about nine pages total of information regarding the island nation. Anyway, I'll get back to you on that when I'm deeper into the essay.
Well we didn't have school on Thursday. Nothing interesting happened, all of the snow melted by noon. We could have easily had a two hour delay, but nooooo. They had to call it a snow day. In case you haven't noticed, I've taken a side on the whole snow day thing. We might have a problem if we have a make up day for President's Day, because we'll be out of town. We'll be at the Homestead, and I don't want to have to miss a day up there. I guess we'll see though. Friday we did have school, however. After school I went to Science Olympiad, and went home asap to get ready for the fog. Fuzzy was already there when I got home. Other people started arriving soon after, so I set up the tvs and all, and we started playing Halo 2! We had a great time, and eight people showed up out of ten expected. It was a good thing, since we weren't able to set up a third tv and xbox. We had a bit of a problem sorting out the teams to make them even, but we had fun anyway. We had a newcomer, a friend of Payruiner's. His name (in the game) was Tshirtninja. There's a reference to who that is if I ever see him again. I can't let him join, though, since we already have max members. Nine is definitely enough. Too bad though, he's a great player. About equal to Trulegend, I would say. Not that you know what that means. Hey, I bet half the people reading this are wondering what in the world fog is and what guy would call himself Fuzzy. If you are one of these people, I would advise you read the first post. That should explain a few things. Well, a lot of things. Moving on, Saturday I didn't do much. I got really far on Metroid Prime 2, and I'm now at the final boss(es). Other than that, though, I did some homework, and talked on aim for a while. Sunday we went to the early service at church. I went to Fuzzy's that afternoon and I helped his brother out with the Star Destroyer for a while, among other things. We lost a few games of Ron, for one. In case you're about to start wondering who Ron is, it's an acronym. Rise of Nations, it's a great real time strategy game. Fuzzy insists that we play against coms on moderate, and his brother and I (I'm going to call his brother Avenging Light from now on) couldn't take it. All three of the coms would rush Fuzzy, and he could hold out pretty well but needed help. I would send army after army but my guys aren't good enough and it takes too long to get there. Avenging Light would just sit there. Heaven knows what he was doing. Anyway we lost about three games (to coms, not real people, in case you were wondering) that way, before we realized we should try something else. I went home later that night. This morning we had prayer breakfast at Hardees. Since Wheezy has xbox live now, we talked about that, along with how gullible he is. He asked someone on live how to do a cheat called the green sword (never heard it called that before and I have no idea why it's called that, it's a way to lock on with the sword- it's blue, by the way- from anywhere in the map using a rocket launcher to lock on so that when you switch weapons if you attack fast enough you are still locked on so you lunge at the person- whew that was long). The person told him to hit start, and then hit up, A, up, A. Of course, any true gamer knows that if you do that, you'll quit the game. Wheezy fell for it. That was hilarious, and the crazy thing is he told me. You see, I do stupid stuff like that too sometimes, but no one thinks I'm stupid because I DON'T TELL ANYONE. It's the smart thing to do, really. It is hilarious to talk to Wheezy though. Anyway prayer breakfast was good. We did our trial in Civics today. I think it went pretty well. We were a bit rushed though. It was a confusing trial though, and a lot of the people in the class didn't understand it. If they had listened to the opening statements they wouldn't have had any questions though. They must have just gotten interested halfway through.... Anyway it went well TRUST ME. That is all.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I love downhill skiing

I love downhill skiing. I've been skiing ever since my dad could find skis small enough to fit me. I can't quite parallel ski, but I'm pretty close. I can ski down black diamonds pretty easily. They're really fun! At least, to crazy people like myself. It can really get annoying when your goggles get fogged up and you can't see if you leave them on and snow flies in your face when you take them off. It's still really fun though. I have never tried snowboarding though... I might someday but not anytime soon probably. I enjoy skiing too much.
Last weekend, starting Friday, was the Youth Ski Trip at Snowshoe. We left at around 4:30 pm and ate dinner on the way up. I enjoyed the trip (whaddya expect? you did see the other post right?). It got dark after a while though so there wasn't much to see. Once we got up there... well, it was cold. We got to our rooms about 12:30 in the morning, and went to bed asap. Noname and superman were in my room, along with noname's dad. The next morning we got our ski rentals and started skiing! We had tons of fun the first day, but we didn't go on any really difficult slopes. There was one that was kind of hard, but not too difficult. We went to a pretty nice restaurant for lunch called The Junction, went skiing some more (me, Noname, and superman went together), and eventually came back to the room at the last possible moment. I went with T Ravvv to dinner at Foxfire, where we came across something interesting. They had a sauce called "Eastern Carolina Sauce." Now, I've lived in eastern NC for my whole life, and I have NEVER heard of that! Have you? Maybe it's an out of state thing. Wish I knew what it was... should have tried some. Anyway, we got over the whole sauce thing and went ahead eating. The next day we went skiing again, but we went on some harder courses. We went on a double black diamond (hardest type of slope), although it was really easy. It was rated like that because it was a terrain park. Not a great one either... just a bunch of moguls. We also went on Cup Run, a black diamond that deserved it, Choker, and another black diamond. Three black diamonds, just so's ya kno. Then, after lunch, we went to Silver Creek and skiied there for a while. It was pretty fun, but definitely not as hard as the Snowshoe main slopes. That night we went night skiing! It was SO FOGGY! You couldn't see 30 feet in front of you, goggles or no goggles. My goggles got foggy too, so I really couldn't see. Nevertheless, I did jumps and enjoyed skiing straight down the mountain. I didn't fall once either SO HA! The next morning we left at around 9:40 am. It was -4 in the morning, so when we put our bags in the van our hands nearly froze off. At least mine did. I was the moron without gloves. The trip back was really nice, because you could see the snow everywhere and all. Listening to good music with a beautiful view- does it really get any better? We got home ok, talked to Fuzzy for a while, unpacked, checked the latest redvsblue stuff, wrote an essay for school, did other homework, and went to bed. Today it snowed! We got out of school early. We didn't have Logos though. Tomorrow we may have a delay... or even no school. I'm kind of neutral on that... we will either have school tomorrow or some other make-up day. Doesn't really make a difference.
So, that's all for now.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

We do not buy movies

We do not buy movies. We rent them instead. We don't watch movies enough to buy them. We watch movies on TV instead most of the time. The last time we bought a movie was about nine years ago, I'd say. We didn't watch it but once or twice either. I want to get the entire Star Wars saga- all six movies that is- when that is released. Right now they haven't even released the last movie though. Can't wait to see it... it's going to be the most interesting one yet- and the most confusing for people who have not seen all of the other movies. It connects the fourth movie (the original) and the newer two that have been released- episodes 1 and 2. (They released the 4th movie first, then 5 and 6, and then 1 and 2. If you're interested in why, ask me in person, it's a long story)
I got a 96 on the Algebra III exam. Not bad- the best grade was Genius's, and he got a 97. He though he did horrible. What do you expect? Genius always beats me by between .2 and 2 points (I had a 100, but he had a 100.2 on the progress reports). I did pretty well this semester. I had a good english teacher this year though. Despite the fact I'm calling her Mrs. Liberal! (If it's news to you- I'm a Conservative, one of the few- or one of the only outspoken ones- in the class) Superman has decided he doesn't like me now. I don't really know why, and it seems he doesn't want to tell me. He is acting as though he never met me. We were good friends throughout the first semester (or at least the first 15 weeks), but now he completely ignores me. I wish there was something I could do about it, because it's not only affecting me, but also people that want to associate with both me and him; he is also ignoring anyone that is talking to me. He even refuses to, say, come to church, if he knows I will be there. Again, I wish there was something I could do. As it is, I wait, and pray. School has been good so far. Our Chemistry teacher seems pretty good, and I am glad to have my old Geometry teacher in math again. In English we are going to act out a trial. Ours is the Lindenburgh kidnapping trial. We had to sign up for our groups, so I didn't know who would be in mine- it turns out I am the only guy! Let's see- of the people I actually have names for on this blog, Crystal and Jem are in the group, along with three other girls. I wanted to do the Lindbergh trial since I know he was a famous aviator, so I was the first person to sign up! It's a good group to be in though- a lot of smart people. We've got the rest of this week to finish. I've been playing Metroid Prime 2: Echoes a lot lately. It's a good game- not even halfway through though. It's pretty long. I finished Pikmin. Sort of. Long story- if you're actually in some way interested in Pikmin ask me about it later. I somehow get the feeling me and Almon are the only two high school guys in Rocky Mount that got that game- let alone play it and beat it. He always gets games first- except Rise of Nations and Age of Empires, I beat him at that! Maybe a few other games- nothing important. Not Halo or Halo 2 though. They got Halo 2 at the midnight madness since his brother doesn't have to go to a school (he homeschools). We have the ski trip this weekend! I can't wait- I hear there's a ton of snow up there. Our youth leader got sick today though- pray that he'll get better. If we don't have him up there I don't know what we'll do. Friday after next I'll be hosting the fog, I'm looking forward to that. Sort of, if superman shows up it may be a little tense, but I don't think he wants to come. Oh well. I kind of wish he would come. It all depends on whether we have an even number of people already there.... lol jk.
Other than that, not much going on.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I love Andes!

I love Andes! Those are the best chocolates ever made. They used to be easier to find though. Now you can't find them anywhere! I got some from Cracker Barrel last year and the year before that, but other than that, I have not enjoyed this delicacy. I got a pack for Christmas though! I haven't opened it, saving them for a good time.
Sunday was pretty normal. We didn't have youth though, so I went to Fuzzy's house and helped his brother build the Star Destroyer for a few hours. We've gotten pretty far considering, but we've only finished the frame. Monday I went to Wheezy's house. We played a little Halo 2, and a little LOTR: The Third Age. Or he did, at least. I went home, and we watched a couple movies. The Bourne Supremacy and The Day After Tomorrow. We never buy movies though, so they were rentals. That will be a story for another day. Yesterday was the first day of school. We studied for the exam today mostly. I also got into the Beekeepers Clan on xbox live! I have been waiting to get in for the longest time... most of that time being the wait to actually get xbox live. But I'm finally in! I've been having fun on live. If anyone reading this is considering buying it, it is worth it indeed. By the way my gamertag is Lord Sobaguda send me a friend invite anyone that has it. Today was the Algebra II exam. I think I did very well, although there was one question I did not know. If it wasn't for that one I would think I might have gotten a 100.
Not much new. Just felt like posting.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Winter is my favorite season

Winter is my favorite season. As you may have noticed, I mentioned before that I love the cold. Also, that's when Christmas is. I found a site once online that had various tests from "Which Of The Greek Gods Are You" to "Which Alchoholic Drink Are You." They sound pretty stupid, I know, but it's also kind of interesting. Let's see... what was the site... ah it was Ha- they even call them "truly dippy" quizzes. The results are interesting though. Anyway, they have a quiz called "Which Season Are You," and my result was "Winter." Here is my result:
Season = Winter
You're Most Like The Season Winter ...

You're often depicted as the cold, distant season,
but you're incredibly intelligent, mature and
independent. You have an air of power around
you - and that can sometimes scare people off.
You're complex, and get hurt easily - so you
rarely let people in if you can help it. You
can be somewhat of a loner, but just as easily
you could be the leader of many. You tend to be
negative, and hard to relate to, but you give
off a relaxed image despite being insecure -
and secretly many people long to be like you,
not knowing how deep the Winter season really

Well done... You're the most inspirational of
seasons :)

?? Which Season Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Sometimes it can be freakishly right. That, for example. What a compliment though. One thing though... to clear up an issue, I am really not hurt easily. I can take any insult hurled at me and keep walking on. It doesn't bother me as much as some people. Also, I'm not really insecure. But everthing else... head on. I mean, that's amazing. Out of four choices too, you would think that there were more types of people...
Well this week has been fun. Friday was Christmas Eve, so we went to my aunt and uncle's house for the family Christmas Eve party. We get-and open!-presents from my mom's side. It was fun. Then- Christmas! I got many games and CDs on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Six CDs, and four games. I also got Andes! Andes is my favorite chocolate. That will probably be the title of the next post ajá! Then the day after Christmas it snowed all over North Carolina and Virginia. We would have gone to Virginia to visit family, but we couldn't get out of town because of the snow. The next day it was clear enough to go up though. We had a good time up there. We got to see my uncle's train sets (Laugh while you can- you should see the setup he has!) and we also got to go see "Fighter Pilot" at the Imax. It was a good film- very interesting and very well done. We also got to open our presents from dad's side of the family. We came back home on Thursday. I went to Fuzzy's house on Friday and helped his little brother in building his new lego set. Wait that sounds too nice. OK background info- 1: his "little brother" isn't little at all and is only about three years younger than Fuzzy. 2: the "lego set" is one of the biggest ones on sale- the Star Destroyer from Star Wars. It has more than 6000 pieces. Anyway, we got just a little work done on that. Then we left for Archon's. We played with faloopaloop and trulegend for a few hours before faloopaloop left, and then trulegend had to leave. Archon got a new game: Battle for Middle Earth, an RTS, so we played that for hours. Fuzzy played as Mordor and we waited for more than three hours so that he could get enough points to summon the Balrog for ten minutes. It was pretty cool, but I'm not sure if it was worth it. Also, faloopaloop gave him a game called "Katamari Damacy." It is the most hilarious game! You just roll stuff into a ball and try to get the ball as large as possible. I won't go into detail, but the game is just hilarious! Anyway, my mom picked me and Fuzzy up at eleven this morning and brought us both home. Not much has happened today, except I did get to talk to Aramaia for a bit. School starts next week. Boo.
It's been a good week.