Monday, February 28, 2005

I love habanero sauce!

I love habanero sauce! I just had some for the first time last Wednesday. That sauce is one of the few I have had that I would actully call hot. I only ate one chip with some on it, but come on, it's the hottest stuff there is! Literally, I saw a list and it was at the top, far above jalapeƱos! I had heard about them from Costa Rica stories (our youth group had a mission trip there and I couldn't go, although Wheezy, Noname, and superman went) though. Wheezy went ahead and ate a chip COVERED in the stuff. He filled himself on drinks afterward and nearly got sick trying to cool off his mouth. I wasn't that crazy, but no one other than Wheezy ate more than I did. The odd thing about it is, after around fifteen minutes (it's burning your mouth for that long, yes), it cools off and tastes like mint. Other people agreed too, so I know it wasn't just me. I can't wait to get some more of that sauce... we got it at El Tapatio, if you're wondering. It's the green sauce. Use with CAUTION. I am actually amazed at this, but they didn't go ahead and write that on the bottle, so there's you're warning.
Tuesday I got my work, although it wasn't as much as I may have expected. In any case, it wasn't a problem. Wednesday was Logos, so after pawning everyone at Halo 2 (to pawn is a gaming term if you haven't heard it, it means the same thing as to own, which means the same thing as to beat everyone else with ease), we went to El Tapatio for dinner! SOME people were trying to speak French there because SOME people chose French class over the more useful and more appropriate in a SPANISH restaurant, Spanish class. "Yeah, some people" ~Durga, ilovebees, not sure what episode *out of the 300 that there were.* Seriously, there were about 300 episodes, because there were about 5 episodes of each of the 5 groups in each of the 12 chapters. 5x4x12=300 kthx. But that's irrelevant. And yes, I was obsessed with that junk. I listened to all 300, if you want to know. BOREDOM ROCKS. El Tapatio was very good, and as you can see I had some Habanero sauce. Good stuff. I studied polyatomic ions that night for a quiz *the next day.* I didn't get the list until Tuesday because I wasn't in Chemistry Friday when they got them or Monday when I was out of town, and on Tuesday she forgot to give them to me. I survived though! If you've ever studied polyatomic ions then you know what I mean. I had one night to memorize this LIST. So I made it a chart instead. Mwahahahaha, and I memorized it in twenty minutes. I got a 100 the next day, even though no one in the other classes got a 100 and I think our class only had a few. That was a very helpful chart, especially when you have a semi-photographic memory but can't remember any other way. I can memorize a chart of polyatomic ions in twenty minutes, but I can't remember what we learned in class (although if you asked me a specific question about it I could answer it) twenty minutes afterward. Yes, I have a strange memory. But it works for school, so I'm satisfied. I was sick Thursday morning too, and I almost didn't go to school. I really wanted to see how I could do on that quiz though, and also we were going to San Jose for lunch in Spanish class. So there you go, I had Spanish food Wednesday night and Thursday afternoon. It was pretty good, but no habanero sauce. Boo hoo, I had hoped there would be some. Thursday after school I wanted to do something, such as post on this blog, or deeperthinking, but I sacked out because I was sick. I had a temp of 104. I was in bed for around four hours, and then, in a matter of five minutes, I started feeling better again, got out of bed, and went and ate dinner because the rest of the family already had. Friday morning I had the same sore throat as I had Thursday, but it went away and I felt better for the rest of the day. My mom had scheduled me a doctor's appointment, and cancelled it, and she had rescheduled my day for Discovery Day at NCSSM, so she changed it back. Needless to say, she was shocked that I was even at school (she told me if I had a temp I should stay home, but as much as I wanted to stay home, my temp was something like 97), and even more shocked that I was fine and wanted to go to NCSSM on Saturday. Fuzzy came over that afternoon and we played some Kotor II. Then we watched Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis (It's me, whaddya expect for a Friday night? Homework? OK, so that's what anyone at school would assume, but then almost no one at school knows who I am- look at deeperthinking later by the way; I plan to discuss that. But no homework for me, that's Sunday night at 9 stuff, I play video games and watch Stargate on Friday typically). Of course, Saturday was Discovery Day, so I went to bed at a reasonable hour (around 10:20). We got up at 5:45, got ready, and Dad and I left for Durham. I saw Amba, Fascist, Sunny, and another person whose name I have not mentioned in Durham who were from Rocky Mount. Everything went pretty well, and I think I did well on both the math test and the writing test. The prompt I chose to answer was "Students should be interested in learning to think, rather than creating an accumulation of facts." I supported the statement and explained why quite well I believe. I might actually have posted it on deeperthinking, but I don't have the sheet, of course. We got home at around four. I didn't do much that night, but I talked to Fuzzy and Aramaia. By the way, Aramaia and I have been doing a Bible study over the phone for the past few weeks. We went through Romans and Acts, and decided to do a one-night study of Nahum for tonight. It's been really interesting, and it's good to get to talk to Aramaia every night. I can tell we're getting to know each other better and getting to be more comfortable talking to each other. Given, we were comfortable before, but that is something you can always make even better in any relationship, I believe. Sunday I went to early church, although Mom and Chessy stayed home because Chessy went to late night (lasts until midnight) the night before, and was still asleep. They went to a play in Raleigh that afternoon, and they dropped me off at Fuzzy's on the way. At Fuzzy's, we played Halo 2 with Avenging and Aelfinn's older brother. I hadn't met him before, but we had some fun together. He drove me home that night once we were done. I talked to Aramaia, did my homework, and went to bed. I didn't go to prayer breakfast today because I was tired after staying up late Sunday night to do homework, and also because I didn't believe Dad would be willing to take me all the way out to Chick-fil-A. That brings us today, but I will mention some upcoming events. Saturday a fog meeting has been planned at Wheezy's house, and I also plan to go to Thomasville with Aramaia since she is going to All-State Tryouts there. I figured that maybe I could go to the fog meeting when we got back into town, and Aramaia could meet everyone there. I figure I've met some of her friends, so I should do the same. Except, she'll be meeting just about everyone at the same time! We'll just see how that works out though. One last thing- the NC Writing test for sophomores is tomorrow. I'm looking forward to getting it OVER WITH.
That's the news for the week.


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