Thursday, December 23, 2004

I hate long lines

I hate long lines. I mean, I know most people do, but I would do anything to avoid them. I hate crowds too. Waiting is something I don't cope well with. Travel is another story though; as long as I have music or games I'm ok, but I cannot stand still for very long. In class I design and create when I'm bored, in the car I pull out my Walkman, but doing nothing bothers me. More so I think than some people.
The last full week of school was much like any other. On Wednesday in Spanish III we had a "fiesta," and students in the class brought food and drinks. I asked my mom to make some of her guacamole and she did. Some people didn't try it, some did. The teacher liked it very much and said to thank my mom, and so did one of the principals that came in. I had to try some myself, and I can personally say that it was indeed a good batch. In fact, all of the food was good! Needless to say, however, I didn't eat that much for lunch afterward! Also, we had a teacher appreciation day in yearbook. We didn't do anything really though. We brought money, food and drink, and half of the food was ours to pig out on. We watched a movie as well. My parents got a note from my yearbook teacher complimenting my work for the semester and asking if I could help out a little next semester as well, although I have Chemistry for 4th period instead. She asked me in class also, and I said I would try to any chance I got. Saturday I went to Toys R Us for the closing sale and bought xbox live! I couldn't set it up yet though. Sunday we went to the Youth Christmas party. Monday I got xbox live set up and also we went to U.S. Cellular and got a family mobile plan! I have a cellphone and xbox live now! IM me or call the home number to get my cell, I don't exactly want to post that on the internet. I will tell you my gamertag, however, and that is Lord Sobaguda. Tuesday I went to Fuzzy's and played a little Halo 2 and Age of Mythology. Also I got to rub it in a little that I have xbox live and he doesn't! He's probably going to get it soon now that I've said that though. Yesterday Archon came into town and we played xbox live together for a few hours. He stayed for the night and left early this morning. Not much happening today, although I think something might be happening tomorrow. Wait... isn't that Christmas Eve? jk Well I guess that's all, and I'll be posting ASAP after Christmas, although that may mean the Wednesday after or something like that. We have a Christmas Eve party every year and then we go to Hampton on Christmas or the day after. Then there's Seth's b-day and New Year's Eve party coming up soon!
That is all- Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Sunday is very busy for me

Sunday is very busy for me. In fact, it's probably the busiest day of the week. Church, then Sunday School, or Sunday School, then Church (depending on which service we go to), then lunch, then relax and do homework for a few hours, then Youth at about 4:45 until 7 without dinner. Then dinner, and finish homework, then relax a bit and then bed. I thought Sunday was supposed to be a day of rest? Oh well.
Friday I had Science Olympiad, and after school I went to Fuzzy's again because our parents went out to eat together. Chessy came too, but she read her book most of the time. I got to see the new Metroid Prime 2 game, and played a little Halo 2. My parents came and picked up Chessy, but we agreed that I could stay over for the night. We played Halo 2 and computer games together for a while and then played some more in the morning. A little after eleven on Saturday I came home. I watched some TV, did a little homework, the usual. Today was the Christmas music services at church. We had musicians play at the eleven o'clock service (aka "Big Church"). It was pretty enjoyable. There were a lot of people there that you normally don't see, as you begin to expect after years of going to church. Everyone comes for Christmas and Easter. I don't understand people like that. You can't just go to church for the good times, that's not how it works. I don't complain though, except on this blog, but that's one of the reasons I have one. We're planning to go to our neighbor's church at 3:30 since he invited us, although Fuzzy invited me to his house, because if I came, we could do 3 on 3 in Halo 2. But my parents flat out said no. The reason being that we are a little busy today. But that's ok. We are indeed busy today, and I don't want to complicate thigs further. Later on tonight I may go to Youth Revolution, and that's about it for today. One more week of school though. I only have to take one exam this semester. If you get good enough grades in a class and don't miss too many days of school, you are exempt the exam, unless it's a state exam. I have to take the Algebra II EOC (End of Course, a state exam), and that's it. One period on Monday the 20th, and I'm done! Of course, most schools get out on Friday the 17th exams or not, but us public schoolers are stuck. I'm satisfied though because I get out early on Monday. Poor people that have state exams 4th period, they have to go to school Tuesday as well. (Almost no one that I know has exams 2nd or 3rd period)
That is all.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I hate Have A Nice Day Wireless

I hate Have A Nice Day Wireless. You see, we used to have a nice Dairy Queen here. You always saw someone you knew if you went there, it seemed. And then- one day- it closed. I don't understand why it closed, but Have A Nice Day Wireless took over the store. Now we only have one overpriced hard-to-get-to Dairy Queen in the food court at the mall. The evil little...
I'm back on schedule. I don't plan to write every day, because not enough happens every day. A few interesting things since Wednesday though. On Friday we had the party at Fuzzy's house. It was pretty fun, we had ten people for the last few hours. Three xboxes, two teams of five, it was crazy. I think we'll have to arrange a tournament to determine rankings for Halo 2 though. Then we can arrange teams better, hopefully. I would say we could have permanent teams, but different people come to each meeting. New stuff at came out a few days ago! More old episodes and one new one! For those of you that have not heard of or visited the site, redvsblue is a comedy. They use Halo (and now Halo 2 as well) to make a show. It's hilarious. My favorite episode is #39. "The Best Laid Plans." As you listen to more and more of them you begin to realize the titles have absolutely nothing to do with the theme of the episode. They're just random words combined to form a title. Saturday I went to take the SAT. It was easy. I answered every question in time and was sure of most of them. The math section was an embarrassment it was so easy. The analogies were pretty sad as well, featuring questions such as "Finger:Ring," the answer being "Wrist: Bracelet." How pitiful is that? For the rest of the day I tried to relax but was cruelly forced to rake leaves. Just kidding. It's not that bad, but I was really tired for some reason. Hmm maybe because I got home from Fuzzy's party at eleven the night before. Not a good way to prepare for the SAT, but I was OK, and my parents could not have gotten me sooner. Sunday was church. Then homework. Then Youth Revolution. Then a little movie time, then bed. Exciting, I know. That's how all my Sundays are, it seems. Monday I had... you'll never guess... SCHOOL!!! My mom and I went shopping a bit after school for some long pants that I won't wear except when I'm skiing and for a little Christmas shopping. And that brings us to today. A nice, boring, nothing happening, Tuesday. Not much homework, for the first time in months, and that is the reason I'm writing. Free time! What a wonderful thing it is. (Just think: two more weeks of school until Christmas break!)
Well, not much else to say, and my parents want me to go to bed, so THE END!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I love to sail

I love to sail. For years I built boats out of wood and mylar (a thin plastic material used for solid blueprints in architecture we used for sails; doesn't get wet and works great). We would tie the simple boats to long strings my old friend's dad used to get at his job. He worked at a textile factory as the human resources officer. Looking back, I guess that was a good setup. I got the sails, he got the strings, we found the wood or used bottles for hulls. We would tie the strings to the backs of the boats and reel them back in when we were ready to go home or wanted to move. I don't have many of the ships now. My friend took his and some of mine broke. Mostly my parents didn't want to clutter the garage, so I only have one left, I think. It's my best though. It took me a while to make, and I think it turned out nicely. Well, at least accounting for the fact that I made it several years ago. Even so, it's a nice boat. Three masts, nice setup, not a fast boat but more for looks. Sinks low in the water though, but it works. Of course, I don't use it now that I have the Myth. That's my remote controlled Victoria class model sailboat. Dad got one too. We don't use them that often though... I kind of lost interest, as I do in many things over time. My grandfather used to have a nice sailing yacht. Two bedrooms, kitchen, etc. We used to sail as much as possible, we tried to every time we went up there. It was fun. I guess that's where it all started. We used to go on five hour trips before we went to Tides Lodge to get the boat most of the way up there with my grandfather. I always enjoyed it. He sold the boat a few years before he died.
Been a while, hasn't it? Wow I've been busy. What is it, almost two weeks? Trust me, I have been busy. I'll write more often now, I think I'll have more free time, but I don't say that with confidence. I went to Logos on Wednesday, don't remember the topic or anything about it though. As for xbox live... well to make a long story short I don't have it. The long story is I got the cord and Dad told me to get a different kind and run it under the house and we haven't gotten any further. I still have the old cord; haven't gotten a chance to return it. I beat Halo 2 on normal a while ago. Friday (don't remember Thursday) was busy. After school I had Science Olympiad, then went straight from there to Chessy's birthday party, then to the church for youth babysitting, then home and went to bed. Oh yeah, lots of free time. Of course I can't complain, it was after all a birthday party and I had a friend there (superman) and youth babysitting is fun. Saturday I had to go to the School of Math and Science for Open House. It's a very nice school, I would love to go there. The only thing is that the school is in Durham. I don't know if I would want to go or not yet. I'm going to apply though. Just after the Open House I went to Fuzzy's house for his sixteenth birthday party. All his friends from Faith Christian were there, the only people I knew were his family, a good friend of Fuzzy's and two or three other people. Sunday my grandmother came over and we went to see Chessy's Nutcracker performance. It was pretty good. Saw an old (as in 8th grade) friend (as in person I had classes with) there. She goes to Faith Christian but couldn't go to Fuzzy's party because of (duh) Nutcracker practice. Grandmother spent the night at our house and I slept in the great room. I couldn't go to prayer breakfast in the morning because it would be too difficult. Monday was Dad's birthday. Tuesday was the last day of school that week and it was a half day yay! I went to Archon's after school and spent the night in Autumncity. We beat the game on Heroic. I came home on Wednesday and Almon came over for a while. We tried to beat the game on Legendary for (literally) hours but to no avail. We failed. I don't plan to try that again anytime soon, it seems impossible. Thursday was Thanksgiving! We had lunch at Grandmother's with my mother's family, and then left for Hampton, VA. When we got there we had Thanksgiving dinner with my dad's family. Two Thanksgiving meals in one day! On Friday we went to see "National Treasure," a pretty good movie. Not quite as corny as I expected it to be, but still; an invisible map on the back of the Declaration of Independence? Saturday was the big game. And when I say the big game I mean the only game of any sport the outcome of which matters to me. Virginia Tech Hokies vs University of Virginia Cavaliers. My dad went to VT, but his sister went to UVA. Thus, we have a rivalry. I support VT, even more that my dad does actually. UVA won last year (for about the first time in twenty years). We were in the stadium for the first time ever. When we knew for sure VT was going to lose we left so we could get out before the crowds. This year though, VT WINS 24-10! The score was zip-zip until halfway through the third quarter I think. UVA scored and got the field goal, then VT got a field goal, then VT scored three times and UVA got a field goal somewhere in there. Go Hokies! Sunday we left for home. About 15 minutes after we got home Aramaia came into town, so we went to sail our two remote-controlled model sailboats. Even with a couple disasters (it happens every time trust me) we still had some fun. You see, we lost control of my sailboat and it got stuck on the island and the Blast (really fast motorboat) ran out of batteries before we could bring it back in. So we had two boats stuck in the water. In a few hours the Blast would have made it to the other side (no joke) but the Myth (my boat) was stuck. For the first time in my life the city had a boat there planning to go work on the lights for Christmas. They went out in their boat and got our two back when we asked them. What a blessing. Aramaia and her family left for Verdeciudad at around four o'clock. I did my homework when I got home (hadn't had ANY time until then) and went to bed. Monday I went to prayer breakfast at Bojangles and started this post when I got home. Tuesday I had a horrible headache. I couldn't do anything until pretty late. I did my homework and went to bed at that point. And that brings us to today. Do you see how busy I've been? And here I am posting on Wednesday, the busiest day of the week for me, except (maybe) Sunday. I'll write more often if I have time. By the way, I started a new blog today I'm calling "Deeper Thoughts." I'll be posting about just things I've been thinking about, in a deeper context than you may normally think. I hope it will turn out well.
That is all.