Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Music helps me concentrate

Music helps me concentrate. I think I may have mentioned this before but not as a topic. With music, I can listen and work more efficiently. Without music, my mind wanders and I begin sketching and thinking about other things. ADD probably. I haven't been tested but it seems like I have it. I love music though. My Algebra II teacher was talking with a few other people today about how it can be so hard to concentrate with any distractions. I wanted to say something but decided not to.
Life is as it always has been. On Friday I played Halo 2 a bit before leaving for Pilgrimage at 4 in the afternoon. We got there on time and had dinner at a very crowded Hardees in Fayetteville. We went to the hotel and discovered we couldn't use my xbox without an adaptor. The TV was too old. Then we went to the first session and after that to bed. It was raining outside so when we got out of the building we had to run through the rain to the van. Actually our youth leader volunteered to go get it, but we were standing out in the rain waiting and there were about 30 vans, or buses, in line, so we walked. It took a while, and I, in shorts and a T-shirt as usual, got soaked, but we got there. I actually enjoyed it. Yeah I know, that's weird, but only as weird as being out there in shorts and a T-shirt in the first place. Saturday morning we went to Waffle House for breakfast- my first time eating there- and then to the morning session. After that we went to lunch at Boston Market- my first and most likely last time eating there (too expensive; not that great of food either, I got a kids meal)- and then went to see the Incredibles. But it was sold out, so we tried for Shark Tale. But it was sold out so we bought tickets (probably some of the last ones) for Polar Express. Dang I didn't want to see that movie. I just wanted to get the adaptor and go play Halo 2. But nooo, we have to go see some kids movie. I didn't leave the theater, but I got pretty close. Especially when things happened like the whole rear of the train flying forward as soon as the train hit the ice and when the kids whole room shakes like a meteor hit the room when the train comes. After that we got the adaptor and played Halo 2 a while. We went to Wendy's for dinner and then to the night session. By the way when I say session that is a group meeting of all the people at Pilgrimage when we sing, talk about other youth events, hear witnesses for Christ, and learn from a speaker. There were more than 6000 people this year, taking up about three fourths of a hockey stadium. On Sunday morning we got McDonald's to go and got home in time for the 9:00 service at church. That afternoon I went to Parker Brown's (my older cousin's son) second birthday. When I got home I went to Almon's for a while, got home and finished up my homework. Monday wasn't exactly exciting, we had prayer breakfast at Chick-Fil-A. I was pretty busy yesterday afternoon doing homework, reading my book, and playing Halo 2. I beat it by the way. On easy though, not an accomplishment in any sense of the word. Now I'm doing it on normal, which can actually be considered beating it, although not with any difficulty. Today I got permission to use the 2-month free trial for xbox live, which I plan to use when I get an ethernet cord so I can set it up.
That is all. I think.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

I hate bees again now

I hate bees again now. Ilovebees is over boo hoo. It was such a sad ending too. Fortunately the first assault was a mistake. Maybe Earth still has a chance... the prophets are dying... only Tru7h is left now. The MC killed Regret and a flood killed Mercy... Tru7h will fall. Then the Covenant's leadership may fail as it already is when they gave Brutes power over Elites... a rebellion has begun... Halo 2 is so awesome. But I guess I'm revealing too much so that's enough about that.
Once again I have been very busy. Wow the last post was over a week ago. Hmm on Thursday not much I remember. On Friday I saw The Incredibles with Fuzzy. Then I went to his house and beat him at Halo! Couldn't sleep over though. The next day I went to church to help out with the youth selling drinks, chili, and hot chocolate mix at the shopping spree thingy. Then I went home, did a little homework, played some games, etc. I wanted to get xbox live on Sunday so I could set it up but Dad wouldn't let me. I'm still trying to convince him to let me. Not much exciting on Sunday other than that. Monday, well Monday was a Monday. Prayer breakfast was a bit confusing this week because our youth leader forgot to set his clock for the first time in seven years I think he said. Parker and I were about to leave. I did as much homework as possible that night. Tuesday was.... HALO 2 HALO 2 HALO 2 HALO 2 HALO 2!!!!!!! I played it as much as possible that afternoon. Wednesday I beat everyone at Halo 2 at Logos. Everyone was still getting used to it. Today I went to Noname's for a Halo 2 party after a little practice. Archon came to my house at three and we left after a little practice together. First we did a free for all and I won with 100! Ruiner had 99! I can't believe I beat him. I got up to 50 and then he started catching up as he, and everyone else, got used to the game. I still won though yay! The other games we played were fun too, but around 8:15 Noname's copy of Halo 2 stopped working. It got scratched inside the xbox somehow. So, everyone went home at 8:30. And thus here I am. On Veteran's Day. With Halo 2 and not playing it. Wait..... did I just WASTE TIME WRITING WHEN I HAVE HALO 2??
Goodbye PC, hello xbox.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I am a Conservative Republican

I am a conservative republican. Of course you may have noticed that already in my little description box, but it fits today's theme. GO BUSH YESSS Poor Mrs. Liberal, she's like depressed. And her daughter too. And she's mad at me because I said "Yay" when she said she was so sad about the elections. She said her daughter was so depressed she called her three times this morning. I laughed, and she was a bit aggravated. But what do you expect. Maybe laughing at my English teacher isn't the best idea on second thought, but I couldn't help myself. Even if I had tried not to I would have bursted out laughing. Poor liberals, yay conservatives! superman's like solid conservative though; I mean he won't agree with anything liberal or vote for any democrat he says, no matter the circumstances. I'm not that crazy.
Well let's see it's been a few days so where did I leave off.... wow was it last Sunday? I've been pretty busy; we've (the Beekeepers that is) been trying to create a clan for ourselves and I WANT IN. One problem: I don't have xbox live. But that will be fixed soon enough; I plan to get it on the ninth along with HALO 2 YAY! I so wish I could go to the midnight madness thing but my parents won't let me. Party poopers. I want to go to bed at 5, wake up near midnight and go buy Halo 2 and then play it until I have to go to school. I don't think they'll go for that though. Maybe... if I get all As (which I really hope I do), I could convince them to let me..... no I really don't think that will work somehow. Oh well, I'll probably just get it after school ASAP! It's coming up fast though. These are the final days, the days we all wait in great anticipation, at least us Halo freaks, me and the rest of the beekeepers that is. Noone else really cares. Imagine that, noone caring about anything but the gameplay on the best game (supposedly) ever made! Well Logos was today again, our question was "What is the thing that gives you the most doubt about your religion?" My answer was mostly the fact that in the New Testament they are always saying the return is near...... and now 2000 years later nothing has happened. The only explanation I have is that it was merely a motivational strategy. Although I hear for some people it worked in reverse; they didn't care about their lives our buisnesses or responsibilities because they thought the world would end any day. Paul got on them about that though and told them to start giving value to their lives now. Monday and Tuesday weren't very exciting. Today was at least a little interesting with Logos. I had to borrow cwdrums' Civics book tonight; I left mine at school because I realized I wouldn't need it for vocabulary, but it took me until a few hours ago to realize I needed it for book work. Well it's all over now, it kind of freaked me out though because I think she was talking about grading it. It's nice to have cwdrums around the corner though. Lol I had to write a letter back to him for Seminar, not much to respond to but I managed. He mostly repeated "I didn't get anything out of this book" in as many ways as he could think of to try to take up the entire page. It was funny, and he got a 75 on it only because it didn't have a quote from the book lol. I stayed after school for another YMCA Leadership Program meeting today. Only 5 people stayed through the whole thing, and I didn't know any of the other four. I may drop out, it really isn't working out at SVSH. Not enough people willing to participate. I wish I could be in more clubs; I need to have something to put on my resume besides Science Olympiad. I hope to be in a LOT of clubs next year if I'm at SVSH. I may go to the School of Science and Math though. Wow this blog is getting long. I mean I hoped it would but I didn't know how long I would keep it up. I get fascinated with certain things (my thing right now at least for video games is mainly Halo and Halo 2), but after a while it gets boring. I assure you that will happen with this blog sooner or later, so realize that this blog is not always going to be an endless pit of words. I would sure hate to try to read the whole blog through at this point. Well, it's late, I decided to stay up tonight and get this done because I had been so bust the last few days, but as I said before I don't have much time on Wednesdays so I have to stay up to get anything done that I want to do.
Well, good night!