Monday, May 23, 2005

I avoid McDonald's whenever possible

I avoid McDonald's whenever possible. It's like one of those Wal-Mart/Have A Nice Day Wireless situations, if you know what I'm talking about. I just don't like their food; it's too basic. It isn't elaborated on, it's just the plain old original. Sometimes that's good, for example Coke is fine with me (Black Cherry Coke mwahahaha- guess what my next post will be). But with McDonald's, it's no good. Maybe that's because they're not the original, they're just unelaborated. I eat there from time to time, but not when I have a choice.
Thursday I didn't have to go to school until fourth period, so I didn't. I slept late, and then helped out at the new house a bit, went to Wal-Mart, and then school. Now before you freak out, yes I still hate Wal-Mart. However, Fuzzy got me a gift card there for my birthday. I warned Trulegend if he gave me one I would burn it, but Fuzzy was excused because I didn't mention it to him. I used it to buy a John Mayer CD, Heavier Things,

and *shock, disbelief* the Halo 2 Soundtrack!

Now not to insult John Mayer, his music is good, but the Halo 2 Soundtrack is awesome. I tried to order it online before, but they were out of copies at the Bungie store website. I can't believe I found it at Wal-Mart. Now, that can be taken two ways. Take a guess which one I mean. No, I don't mean "Wow, maybe Wal-Mart isn't actually so bad." I mean that it's amazing I could find anything in that store. First of all, it's gigantic. Second of all and more importantly, their music section is not organized in any way. They may as well throw all of the CDs in a big pile and label it "music." I managed to find the Halo 2 Soundtrack under "Sarah Mclachlan." Before you even ask, Sarah Mclachlan has absolutely nothing to do with Halo 2 whatsoever. Breaking Benjamin I could understand. Incubus, yeah no problem. But Sarah Mclachlan, I don't think so. But by now you know how I feel about Wal-Mart. If you don't then find out. Actually, that post was not very descriptive. Oh well, you get the point. And if you don't, there's not much I can do to help you understand anyway. "Hate never shows much reason." Can't remember where that comes from... Well, when I finally did go to school Thursday, we basically just studied for the Chemistry EOC we have this coming Wednesday. I did, however, get to talk to a few of my friends before I went to class, and I also got to talk to Mrs. Liberal one last time before summer. I am glad she will be my teacher once again my senior year. I've never had an English teacher quite like her, not so liberal, yet so enjoyable. Lol, yes, that was worded that way intentionally. I have noticed that this year I excelled more in writing, in English, than my usual strengths, math and science. For one, I was not accepted to the NC School of Math and Science. For two, I was recognized for English and Civics at the departmental awards, but not once for math and science throughout the year. It's interesting. I plan to take full advantage of this during the summer, as I plan to write a book called Rebel Moon. It's still in the outline phase, but I hope to be well on my way (at least) by summer's end. For IB, we will have to read The Grapes of Wrath over the summer for a test the first day of school. We will also have to read at least one other book and take notes. Most definitely looking forward to that. Happy days. One last interesting thing for Thursday. STAR WARS!!! Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith was released 5/19/05. I would have gone as far as to get midnight tickets, but it was a school night. We got tickets for the 4:00 showing that afternoon. I personally loved it. I have heard complaints that Anakin should have been more evil, that the acting was bad (as always), and even that there was too much color in the battle scenes. That last one I don't quite understand. As for the other two, Anakin always had some good in him and I am glad they showed it. The acting, well, it's a Star Wars tradition, and besides, I care a lot more about the battle scenes than the petty acting. Friday, I went to school for second to fourth period, just because. We did absolutely nothing in second and third, and we just studied in fourth. After school, Fuzzy came over and we played video games for a while, went out to dinner, etc. After dinner, I got a call from Archon saying he was in town. Fuzzy and I drove over to his house and Archon and I spent the night there. We had a good time, and in the morning I dropped Archon off at the movies. During the day, I mowed the grass and did other petty chores. Sunday was usual. After church, I went to Fuzzy's house to pick up a few things, and at five I went to my youth leader's house for a small group party. Today I didn't go to school because I don't have a first period exam, and I don't plan to go tomorrow either. I helped out at the new house a bit, and Fuzzy came over in the afternoon, since, you know, I hadn't seen him in years.
That's about it.


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