Saturday, April 16, 2005

A Feat Worth Thinking About

For all Halo 2 players, Fuzzy and I accomplished something today never seen before. A Scarab ate our Puma, or Warthog as it is better known. Seriously. Fuzzy crashed it into the side, and it slowly crunched into the Scarab. As we were standing on the Scarab there were strange sounds that sounded like a Warthog being torn apart. The Scarab was having a bit of trouble "digesting" it, shall we say? We killed the enemies around the entrance into the Scarab, and then found our beloved Warthog destroyed in every way possible, sitting inside of the Scarab. Unfortunately, our internet proceeded to kick us out of live and the game in turn. No pics. However, Fuzzy and I believed it was possible to reaccomplish this feat, and so continued to do it again (on the first try, mind you). Dissapointingly, the Scarab didn't eat the Warthog, but interestingly enough, we still managed to get it inside, this time INTACT. It even had a Marine in the turret!! How he survived we are still pondering... This time we were NOT SIGNED ONTO LIVE and I had my digital camera at the ready. Please proceed to gawk at the pictures if you played Metropolis on Halo 2, or try to figure out what in the world you are looking at if you have not.

Here you can see a few interesting things. First of all, the Marine is watching me (bottom screen). Second of all, two Elites are watching Fuzzy (top screen for all you deductive reasoning handicapped people). Can you imagine what they are thinking? "There is a WARTHOG (aka Puma) inside our SCARAB. Yep, humanity definitely doesn't deserve to survive..."
We had to leave them alive because if they died the level would end...

This is exactly the position the Warthog was in when our internet disconnected. There are a few differences though. First of all, there was no green arrow because both Fuzzy and I were staring at it asking ourselves "how?" Second of all, there was no Marine. If one had even survived getting onto the Scarab, he would have died very quickly during the "digestion process." Third, the Warthog is alive. As previously described, the Warthog was most definitely destroyed the first time.
Isn't the rocket launcher pretty? Too bad Fuzzy wouldn't let me use it to "help" get the Warthog all the way into the Scarab's control area...

Of course, we had to have our fun, so I killed the Warthog. And so ends our story.

Any questions?

To clear up a few things before they are asked I will try to explain further.

For those of you that play Halo 2 and still didn't understand:
Level: Metropolis
Warthog was driven from the very beginning of the level through every obstacle imaginable to the Scarab. It was then driven onto the Scarab (in a way that did not fix it on top of the Scarab, which is most often what happens). The first time it was moved into the Scarab slowly by the walking motion. The second time it fell off the top (almost off the Scarab altogether) and was driven inside the Scarab through much effort. But Fuzzy can do anything with a Warthog, trust me. Otherwise, he could not have gotten to the Scarab in the first place.

For those of you that don't play Halo 2:
A Puma/Warthog is a vehicle with a gun fixed on top that usually is occupied by at least two people. It drives for the most part like a car. Sort of. Not really, but keep that mental picture.
A Scarab is a walking alien vehicle that has four legs. In the level Metropolis, you board it by falling onto it from above, so we carried the Warthog with us. Of course, that was the easy part. The hard part was getting the Warthog that far. The level is made to prevent it from going that far, but Fuzzy found ways to get through anyway, usually by brute force. No, not beating the xbox either. That wouldn't help much...
The first time, glitches in the game caused the Scarab to slowly take the Warthog into it, making a lot of noise and destroying the Warthog completely. The second time we just drove it inside. The catch is, if you land on the Scarab, it almost always moves the Warthog into a specific position, but since I landed a Ghost on as well (kept that secret for those of you that would read this far), it messed up the Warthog and it fell onto the deck of the Scarab, as opposed to the, well, you could call it the roof I guess.

Fuzzy and I will try to think of other possible accomplishments. We couldn't think of any today, but trust me, we'll think of something... eventually...


Blogger Doug said...

We weren't going for coolest trick in Halo 2 (or strangest, for that matter). Fuzzy just decided, heaven knows why, to drive the Warhog through the entire level, and when we reached the end, decided to land it on the Scarab. We were playing on Heroic, which we both first mistook for easy when we began playing (we didn't check). Legendary is just too hard, especially on co-op.

4/19/2005 2:09 PM  
Blogger Doug said...

Nope, and I don't expect I ever will...

4/24/2005 7:37 PM  

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