Monday, April 25, 2005

Republished List

It's been such a while since I posted this list, I figured I should post it again for easier access. It's also updated! (This list will be republished and moved to the current date each time a name is added)
~fog- a group of currently 9 gamers that get together to play video games about every month.
~casper- my white, large, cat that is constantly shedding
~leo- my cheshire-colored, smaller, loud cat
~stumpy- my xbox
~cartwright- my friend's [garage] band (he says I'm a cartwright-hater)
~gryphon- our school's mascot (like a griffin)
~FUMC- my church
~FUMY- my youth group
~North Carolina- the state where I live
~stony valley- the city where I live
~RMHS- my high school
~verde ciudad- the city where I went to Band Camp and where Aramaia, Angel, Desertrose, Bluegirl, and Dmajor live
~Autumncity- the city that Archon moved to
~Park Middle School- my middle school for grades 6-7
~Fuzzy- a member of fog, my best friend, went to Band Camp with me, goes to Faith Christian
~Dmajor- a guy I met at Band Camp my first year ('01) who introduced me to Desertrose and Angel that I haven't seen or talked to much since '02 Band Camp
~Aramaia- a girl I met my second year at Band Camp, the year Fuzzy wasn't there ('02), my next best friend
~Desertrose- one of the two girls that introduced me to Aramaia
~Angel- one of the two girls that introduced me to Aramaia
~Bluegirl- one of the girls I met my third year at Band Camp ('03)
~superman- a member of fog that I met at FUMY four years ago ('01), used to be a good friend but currently hates me; no one understands why though
~Wheezy- a member of fog that I met at FUMY at the same time, has ADHD but copes well (he's an all A student and he sleeps in class, you have to give him some credit)
~Noname- a member of fog that I met at FUMY at the same time, goes to the Academy; tends to switch nicknames every fog meeting
~Trulegend- a member of fog that I met in fourth grade and became good friends with, but lost contact with until ninth grade ('03), we're now good friends again
~FEPJustgayenuf- a member of fog that I met at middle school; don't see him very often
~Archon- a friend of faloopaloop that I met through him and that moved to Autumncity but we keep in contact; he's in ROTC
~Ruiner- a friend of Trulegend that rocks at halo but had his xbox taken away so he is actually beatable now... although I've only managed to beat him once (score was 99-100) on free-for-all slayer; he's a year younger than the rest of us but goes to our high school
~cwdrums- a drummer I met when we were infants, we didn't keep in contact much after 1st grade, but became friends again in ninth grade ('03); funny guy
~Amba- a smart girl in my class ('07) I'm friends with, has her own blog
~Grace- my mom's long-time friend's (who introduced her to Dad, so she's the reason I'm alive... creepy stuff) daughter
~Jem- very smart girl in my class ('07) that is friends with Grace, Crystal, and countless others
~Crystal- another very smart girl in my class ('07) that is friends with Jem, Grace, and countless others
~Chessy- my sister (2.5 years younger)
~Mrs. Liberal- My radical liberal English 10 teacher (I'm a Conservative, good to see both sides though, and she's a good teacher)
~The Beekeepers- my fellow ilovebees fans, also the name of the ilovebees clan on xbox live
~T Ravvv- a new friend of mine, two years my junior but a true gamer
~Aarin- a member of fumc and active in Logos and Youth Revolution, among other activities
~Sunray- a very good friend of Chessy's, goes to fumc
~Ray- one year older than me, goes to fumc and rmsh, and also Sunray's older sister
~Hutch- VERY smart guy, but also very radical and a bit morbid; very individualistic and outspoken
~Sunny- really smart (genius might be a stretch), and always does around one point better than me on every test, quiz, essay, etc. I beat him every once in a while for relief though. He's Indian though, so whaddya expect? He's a good friend as well.
~Avenging- Fuzzy's younger brother that plays video games with us when I go to his house
~Aelfinn- one of Avenging's friends who I first met in Battle of the Books in middle school
~Engineer- an old friend from many years ago who I first met in second grade and was best friends with until seventh grade, when he moved to Oregon- an inventive and intelligent person
~Wall- a friend from school I don't see very often, but loves video games, especially Halo and DDR, and a friend of Adrian as well
~Llama- a friend, not the brightest in the class, but just a cool guy, and quite friendly
~Mrs. J- my band teacher and private instructor for clarinet in 6-9th grades
~Mr. C- worked alongside Mrs. J at Park Middle School but did not go with Mrs. J to EMS, stayed at Park Middle School instead
~Creegan- an old friend, also was friends with Engineer, but moved to New Zealand several years ago, so we lost contact
~Web- an excellent flute, clarinet, and piano player, and also a friend
~Director- the RMHS band director
~Ung- a bass clarinet player that went to NNHS as opposed to RMHS, have only seen a few times since 8th grade
~MJ- a friend back at Park Middle School, have only seen once since then, called me by my middle name (and still remembers it)


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