Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I believe in Atlantis

I believe in Atlantis. Many people asked me that as I was researching, so if you don't want to spend time reading the entire essay, yes I do. In my research, I found that Atlantis is more than a myth. It is likely based in fact, although what that fact may be is disputable. My favorite theory is that Atlantis existed in the Antilles, around Cuba and Puerto Rico. The theory seems to be the most sound of all that I read about. I won't write too much about this though, as if you really want to know, just read the essay posted below and linked to your right.
I have been quite busy lately, although I don't really know why, I just haven't had time to write a post. I have, however, had time to edit the format of this blog. If you notice, I widened the post area since my posts are so long, and I added "Shortcuts" and "Links" to the sidebar. As for the Radio.Blog, their server crashed and the empoyees of their server went on strike. Yeah. That could be a problem. It seems like they're fixing it though... for more information, or if you want a Radio.Blog, go here. Just after my birthday, I finished up the Atlantis essay without cutting it. I actually finished it on my way up to Hampton that weekend. We visited up there, and actually got season passes to Busch Gardens on Saturday. We stayed for a few hours and went on a couple rides (the Battering Ram and Big Bad Wolf), but we toured the park more. We'll probably be going up there more often this summer. The week of the 9th, my grandmother went through surgery. It went well, and although the doctors had to do more than they planned, she is ok and staying at my uncle and aunt's house. Wednesday I went to the mall and, among other things, bought new shoes, four CDs, ten CD-RWs, and a music case. I burned ten of my favorite CDs to the CD-RWs and put them in my car, all decorated with Elvish print. Nobody but me can read the labels muahaha. My car, since I haven't mentioned it, is a '93 Chrysler Concorde. Not great, not horrible, but I got a new CD player for it for my birthday, so I'm satisfied. Thursday the 12th, MTV revealed the Xbox 360 in an embarrasment of a show. Seriously, it was pitiful. They showed the Xbox 360, but I think they showed the original Xbox more.

I really wanted to write a post complaining about it in every way, but I found this and it made me a little happier. I'm still not buying an Xbox 360 though, at least not until Halo 3 comes out... after that, we'll see. Who knows, maybe Halo 3 will shame all the Halo gamers out there. A thought to consider... We'll just have to wait until it comes out, along with the PS3 and Nintendo Revolution. Friday the 13th I got my license! I then went on to almost run over a black cat... what is that supposed to mean? Hmm. Well later that night I went to Fuzzy's and slept over. We were planning on watching the trilogy (Star Wars) that night but uhh... we just played AoE (Age of the Empires) and Halo. He let me borrow the trilogy so we could watch it Saturday. Saturday I worked at the new house... did I mention we're moving? Well, we're buying a house across town, so there you go. It's very nice, but yeah, it needs some work. That is, it still needs some work. I just finished mowing the gigantic lawn and went home. Fuzzy came over and we watched the first movie (ep. 4 that is). We were both tired though, so we played live for a while, and I left him to play ranked games while I watched ep. 5. We went to our new house to look around, since we can both drive now. After he left we watched ep. 6. Monday the 16th, Aramaia and I broke up. Shock, disbelief, I know, get over it. If you really want to talk with me about it, go ahead and ask. I don't mind, but I don't exactly want to post all the details on a website. Also, on a brighter note, we got our yearbooks. I am delighted to say that they are a great improvement over last year, and I am proud of the final product. I created five of the pages myself, and wrote the copy on one page. For those readers that are Gryphons, I wrote the text on page five, and I created 24-25, 120-121, and 162. Tuesday was the departmental awards at school. I got an award for English/Civics Seminar. Thank you Mrs. Liberal! I really enjoyed that class, and I'm glad I'll be having her again my senior year for IB. It should be... well... as fun as IB can possibly be. Today I drove to Oneighty for the first time! I picked up Sunray and brought her and Chessy. It was fun as usual, and afterwards I drove them to the new house to let Chessy show Sunray around. Tomorrow Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is released. I have tickets for the 4:00 pm showing. Very much looking forward to that. School is winding down, so tomorrow I don't have to go until fourth period. Next week I only have to go Wednesday for my fourth period EOC. 10th grade is almost over... it's a sad thing...
That brings us to the present.


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