Monday, February 28, 2005

I love habanero sauce!

I love habanero sauce! I just had some for the first time last Wednesday. That sauce is one of the few I have had that I would actully call hot. I only ate one chip with some on it, but come on, it's the hottest stuff there is! Literally, I saw a list and it was at the top, far above jalapeƱos! I had heard about them from Costa Rica stories (our youth group had a mission trip there and I couldn't go, although Wheezy, Noname, and superman went) though. Wheezy went ahead and ate a chip COVERED in the stuff. He filled himself on drinks afterward and nearly got sick trying to cool off his mouth. I wasn't that crazy, but no one other than Wheezy ate more than I did. The odd thing about it is, after around fifteen minutes (it's burning your mouth for that long, yes), it cools off and tastes like mint. Other people agreed too, so I know it wasn't just me. I can't wait to get some more of that sauce... we got it at El Tapatio, if you're wondering. It's the green sauce. Use with CAUTION. I am actually amazed at this, but they didn't go ahead and write that on the bottle, so there's you're warning.
Tuesday I got my work, although it wasn't as much as I may have expected. In any case, it wasn't a problem. Wednesday was Logos, so after pawning everyone at Halo 2 (to pawn is a gaming term if you haven't heard it, it means the same thing as to own, which means the same thing as to beat everyone else with ease), we went to El Tapatio for dinner! SOME people were trying to speak French there because SOME people chose French class over the more useful and more appropriate in a SPANISH restaurant, Spanish class. "Yeah, some people" ~Durga, ilovebees, not sure what episode *out of the 300 that there were.* Seriously, there were about 300 episodes, because there were about 5 episodes of each of the 5 groups in each of the 12 chapters. 5x4x12=300 kthx. But that's irrelevant. And yes, I was obsessed with that junk. I listened to all 300, if you want to know. BOREDOM ROCKS. El Tapatio was very good, and as you can see I had some Habanero sauce. Good stuff. I studied polyatomic ions that night for a quiz *the next day.* I didn't get the list until Tuesday because I wasn't in Chemistry Friday when they got them or Monday when I was out of town, and on Tuesday she forgot to give them to me. I survived though! If you've ever studied polyatomic ions then you know what I mean. I had one night to memorize this LIST. So I made it a chart instead. Mwahahahaha, and I memorized it in twenty minutes. I got a 100 the next day, even though no one in the other classes got a 100 and I think our class only had a few. That was a very helpful chart, especially when you have a semi-photographic memory but can't remember any other way. I can memorize a chart of polyatomic ions in twenty minutes, but I can't remember what we learned in class (although if you asked me a specific question about it I could answer it) twenty minutes afterward. Yes, I have a strange memory. But it works for school, so I'm satisfied. I was sick Thursday morning too, and I almost didn't go to school. I really wanted to see how I could do on that quiz though, and also we were going to San Jose for lunch in Spanish class. So there you go, I had Spanish food Wednesday night and Thursday afternoon. It was pretty good, but no habanero sauce. Boo hoo, I had hoped there would be some. Thursday after school I wanted to do something, such as post on this blog, or deeperthinking, but I sacked out because I was sick. I had a temp of 104. I was in bed for around four hours, and then, in a matter of five minutes, I started feeling better again, got out of bed, and went and ate dinner because the rest of the family already had. Friday morning I had the same sore throat as I had Thursday, but it went away and I felt better for the rest of the day. My mom had scheduled me a doctor's appointment, and cancelled it, and she had rescheduled my day for Discovery Day at NCSSM, so she changed it back. Needless to say, she was shocked that I was even at school (she told me if I had a temp I should stay home, but as much as I wanted to stay home, my temp was something like 97), and even more shocked that I was fine and wanted to go to NCSSM on Saturday. Fuzzy came over that afternoon and we played some Kotor II. Then we watched Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis (It's me, whaddya expect for a Friday night? Homework? OK, so that's what anyone at school would assume, but then almost no one at school knows who I am- look at deeperthinking later by the way; I plan to discuss that. But no homework for me, that's Sunday night at 9 stuff, I play video games and watch Stargate on Friday typically). Of course, Saturday was Discovery Day, so I went to bed at a reasonable hour (around 10:20). We got up at 5:45, got ready, and Dad and I left for Durham. I saw Amba, Fascist, Sunny, and another person whose name I have not mentioned in Durham who were from Rocky Mount. Everything went pretty well, and I think I did well on both the math test and the writing test. The prompt I chose to answer was "Students should be interested in learning to think, rather than creating an accumulation of facts." I supported the statement and explained why quite well I believe. I might actually have posted it on deeperthinking, but I don't have the sheet, of course. We got home at around four. I didn't do much that night, but I talked to Fuzzy and Aramaia. By the way, Aramaia and I have been doing a Bible study over the phone for the past few weeks. We went through Romans and Acts, and decided to do a one-night study of Nahum for tonight. It's been really interesting, and it's good to get to talk to Aramaia every night. I can tell we're getting to know each other better and getting to be more comfortable talking to each other. Given, we were comfortable before, but that is something you can always make even better in any relationship, I believe. Sunday I went to early church, although Mom and Chessy stayed home because Chessy went to late night (lasts until midnight) the night before, and was still asleep. They went to a play in Raleigh that afternoon, and they dropped me off at Fuzzy's on the way. At Fuzzy's, we played Halo 2 with Avenging and Aelfinn's older brother. I hadn't met him before, but we had some fun together. He drove me home that night once we were done. I talked to Aramaia, did my homework, and went to bed. I didn't go to prayer breakfast today because I was tired after staying up late Sunday night to do homework, and also because I didn't believe Dad would be willing to take me all the way out to Chick-fil-A. That brings us today, but I will mention some upcoming events. Saturday a fog meeting has been planned at Wheezy's house, and I also plan to go to Thomasville with Aramaia since she is going to All-State Tryouts there. I figured that maybe I could go to the fog meeting when we got back into town, and Aramaia could meet everyone there. I figure I've met some of her friends, so I should do the same. Except, she'll be meeting just about everyone at the same time! We'll just see how that works out though. One last thing- the NC Writing test for sophomores is tomorrow. I'm looking forward to getting it OVER WITH.
That's the news for the week.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Halo 2 is my favorite game

Halo 2 is my favorite game. If you've read this far I bet you've figured that out already. I just can't believe I hadn't said this already! I can't have a list of things about me and not mention Halo! Well, about Halo, it's about the only fps (first person shooter) that I have... that is, I have Halo and Halo 2. I love it more than any other fps because, well, it's the only one I have. I'm not allowed to buy mature games and such normally. My parents made an exception because... ok let's be truthful... I pestered them for six months (quite literally) until they let me. So, now I have Halo, and Halo 2. I have gotten better over the time I've had the game, to the point that it bothers all the people that used to beat me. You see, Wheezy is a head on assault player, to the point that he made a group on Bungie's site called "Head on Assault Freaks." I'm one of the two people in the group, and that makes NO SENSE. I'm not a head on player. I use a little something called strategy. I snipe to avoid deaths (and get kills more easily) whenever possible, if I see active camo or overshield I USE IT, and I don't charge into battle unless I'm around 70% sure I can win. Of course, half of the time it's not me that's charging into battle, it's someone else attacking me, so I still have to rely on a bit of sheer luck every once in a while. A few of the achievements you'll be seeing me get: least deaths, most snipes, most headshots, but not necessarily most kills (not taking risks has its downsides). At least, not if I'm playing with Fuzzy, Trulegend, and Ruiner. At church, they want me to get off my own xbox so they can get some kills. It drives Wheezy crazy how I play now. It ticks him off so bad to see me beat him at his own game... but anyway, if you want to hear me ramble and ramble about Halo (2), just call me. I'll be talking for hours and you'll get nothing out of it, but hey, it's something to do, right? Friday was a Friday. Trulegend IMed me and said "guess what? it's Friday." Wow. Deep. Anyway, not much exciting. Family was sick so we didn't go to Chico's. We went Saturday though so that's ok. I also got a Valentine's gift for Aramaia on Saturday and tried my hardest to send it off, but I couldn't. We quite literally went from one side of town to the other looking for a post office. I also got a new Spanish dictionary. It's about time, because even if the old one was only about a year old, the cover was falling off. It was hard to even open it because all the pages were folded over. So, I'm taking better care of this one. Maybe it will even last two years... Oh, about North Carolina School of Science of Math, I got a letter about registration. But since I'm not sure if I've explained what NCSSM even is, let me do so now. NCSSM is the best school for Juniors and Seniors in high school in North Carolina, and I'm applying. I don't know if I'll be accepted and I don't know if I'll go if I do get accepted. Amba, Genius, and Fascist are also applying, but Fascist is probably not going to go, although he will most likely get accepted (1st rank in c/o '07). If I do not accepted or otherwise do not go to NCSSM, I will most likely be in the IB program, or International Baccalaureate. If you've never heard of it, it's about five times harder than AP. If you have, pray for me. But back to the registration letter, Discovery Day (extra testing, etc.) is next weekend. I still need to clear up a few issues, but I'm doing pretty well with the application. Also, on Saturday, after going all over town and before Chico's, I went to the Regional DDR Competition. At least, that's what Archon told me it was. Ha- here's the story. Wheezy was invited, and said he would come, but could not. I asked FEPJustgayenuf about it (he invited Wheezy in the first place), and said I would try to come, and showed up. Make sense? Well, one of the biggest things I noticed about the tournament was the fact that I was among fellow shorts-in-winter people. Around a third of the people there were wearing shorts. In February. How awesome is that? Oh, and I got to meet Jewz0rz; FEPJustgayenuf's girlfriend who he has been talking about for the past week or so. She seemed nice, but all I got was a handshake and the usual first meeting comments. I can tell FEPJustgayenuf is attached though. Of course, that may now be influenced by the fact that I read his entire Livejournal (reason I didn't post last night). Basically, it was a summary of his relationship with Jewz0rz. He probably meant it to be just life events, but that's what it ended up being, and I can imagine why. When you're in love, that's all you really feel like talking about. Especially when it's as dramatic as his story. You can ask him about that though. Don't ask me for the site, though, as I'm not sure if he wants the world to know or not. Hey, maybe he does. How should I know? Some of the stuff was a bit private though... makes me feel better that he would feel ok giving me the site. But back to the regional DDR competition now. They had two xboxes set up (all I care about), so I played Halo 2. FALSE. They played Halo 2 until they got tired of it, I didn't get a chance to play, and then they switched on the mod chips (a cheating device, for all you non-gamers), and we played Metal Slug. The first one, not the third one that they remade for the xbox. The awesome thing was: if you press the back button, you get credits. At least, if you have a mod chip you do! So I played that for a while. As I said, Archon, FEPJustgayenuf, and Jewx0rz were there. I had a good time, and watched DDR for a minimal amount of time. LOL. I'm not a DDR fan, and I don't really understand why so many people do, but I don't make fun of it like SOME people. FEPJustgayenuf thanked me for coming, and I left for Chico's directly from Putters (the place it was held) *in the convertible* (key phrase). Good times. Anyway, on Sunday. we had church and all, but no youth, so I played vid games some and went to bed. We sent off the Valentine's Day gift on Monday (on Valentine's Day, I'm SO GOOD; no jk). I also wrote a topic on Deeper Thinking especially for Valentines Day, so go read it! Wednesday was Logos as usual. I made Wheezy really mad because I was playing to take full advantage of every item and opportunity. He's more of a head on assault freak. My strategy works better than his brute force, so I win. Most of the time, at least. But I explained that already. I got a xanga on Thursday for no real reason except to post on xangas. There are 450 people in our metro though. Wow, and I know almost none of them. Oh well. I don't really care to make a xanga (don't like the ads, or the setup; too messy), so I'll be the rebel blogger, even if they do call xangas, and livejournals for that matter, "blogs" too. We also packed for the Homestead, and I wrote most of this post. (Up until Valentine's Day) On Friday I checked out early and we left for Hot Springs, VA. The Homestead is a ski resort in that mountain town that we go to every year. The skiing was good this year, and the food is always superb. It's really an amazing place, one that I will never forget. After Snowshoe (youth ski trip), the Homestead slopes were more fun, if more simple. I had no trouble at all, and fell only once. There is a story to that, sort of. You see, the Homestead has one black diamond that is open most of the time in the past few years. It is extremely short and it's basically just a cliff. So, this year, I started doing jumps off it. I got to the point where my dad said I jumped thirty feet in the air one time (that really sounds like an exaggeration to me, but it was a BIG JUMP). Well, after landing, I lost control and fell for another ten feet. Seriously, the fall was at least ten feet. Or fifteen. I flipped over, landed on my head, lost a ski and both poles (even though they were strapped around my wrists), and slid for a few feet to a stop. It was AWESOME. My only regret is that we didn't have it on camera. So, after Chessy and I got up (she fell trying to stop and help me), and kept going. I didn't actually hurt anything. My forehead hurt where I landed on my head a little bit, but it was ok. Oh, and I kid of avoided jumping there after that. I did notice that even without trying, you almost jump if you have enough speed going over that cliff... anyway, yes, I had fun skiing. Other than the obvious difficulties of having four people in two rooms (mom and dad in one, me and Chessy in the other), and only one bathroom, we had a really good time. We watched fireworks Sunday night, and I also bowled a 133 later that night. Not bad, but my uncle beat me in the last frame by getting a strike on top of a spare. 137, four points ahead. I also thought about something a lot; something I have not yet figured out and something that will not be explained until the time comes. Especially not on the internet! So, today we drove back, and here I am. I didn't go to school today for obvious reasons. We had alreay planned our trip when they decided to make today a make-up day. I'll get my work tomorrow. Fun fun time. One last thing though. When I got back, by drawing events together from FEPJustgayeguf's livejournal, he apparently broke up with Jewz0rz. I think he wanted to be temporary, but it's not turning out that way... I think she responded by saying she really didn't care. I thought it was going well... although it did seem like FEPJustgayenuf was a little over-obsessing. I don't know really. In the end, it's all for the better I think, because it is better to know it won't work now than it would be three years later when you're even closer. But then, I've never experienced it really. Truth be told, I am the last person anyone would look to for love advice. Who truly knows who I am?
That is all.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

I love to design

I love to design. I have been doing so for as long as I could draw at all, and I have always enjoyed it. My favorite design is the N-1, an aircraft from Star Wars. I have modified it for VTOL (Vertical Takeoff Or Landing) and plotted out every detail. It looks awesome; if anything cooler than it did in the movies. I renamed it the F-737 Blackwater, an advanced VTOL jet aircraft. I won't go into too much detail, though. I just finished redesigning the jet to incorporate several new ideas I had for it, and I had to enlarge it from a smaller design I already made. It's so beautiful mwahaha! The amazing thing is that it's only a little bit larger than a car. It could quite easily land in a parking lot, but uhh, it would be loud. Really loud. It's a pretty unreasonable aicraft, but it is of a class that I believe one day will rule the skies; VTOL jet aircraft. The Harrier, for example. But enough of my rambling about futuristic military aircraft.
Lately I've been playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (wow that's a long name- the reason most people know it as kotor II). Wednesday last week I got a headache to kill, and had to go home early before the discussion. It got better that night, and I think it may have been related to playing Halo 2 with the lights off (Aarin insists the lights should be off; I convinced him otherwise this week though). I got to lay down, though, and over a few hours it got better. Of course, I then ended up doing homework until late in the night. On Friday, our Science Olympiad teacher gave up. No one was doing their work, so she decided it would be better to just not go. Too bad, because I was just about to start working on the plane that weekend. I turned in the kit this week though. Friday Fuzzy came over and he played kotor II as I watched and figured out the game. Saturday Fuzzy came over and watched me play kotor II and go farther than he was able to the day before MWAHAHA. What a good game. I have a double bladed green lightsaber and it is so pretty! It needs to be upgraded though... not that anyone reading this would really care about my lightsaber on a game they've probably never heard of... there should be more gamers in this world. Why has it been deemed "uncool" by society, anyway? Well, it is a world generally dominated by NERDS, but why shouldn't anyone enjoy putting a sniper shot straight through some pitiful little spartan's head (I'm an elite... not that you know what an elite or a spartan is or even care to know...)? That ticks people off so bad... including me, ironically. I'm typically the one dealing out the pain though, unless Fuzzy is around... or some other superior gamer. Anyway enough about video games. Despite the thoughts of many, that is not my life. Have you even looked at all I've written on this blog, all my designs, and my music collection? Not many people I know would even guess I listen to music... much less music like Linkin Park and Good Charlotte. It's funny how people's excuses for why I am beating them at Halo have evolved. It started out as "that was just lucky," and soon it was "you're screen looking," even if we were on DIFFERENT TVs, and now they also claim that it's because I'm obsessed with it, even though I never even had a game system until three years ago, and I never had Halo until less than a year ago. I haven't played Halo 2 at home in a month anyway, quite literally, and I just got my first "un-freakin-believable" (25 straight kills without dying once) at Logos two days ago. Ascension is such an awesome level! Too bad everyone hates it; they all got tired of my sniping sprees there. It's just so fun, though! Sunday was like most Sundays, except we didn't go to church in the morning since Mom wasn't feeling well (she's sick with a cold now, pray for her, and Chessy, if you read this), and also the Super Bowl Party was that night in place of Youth Revolution. Fuzzy came with me this year. We had a good time, even if the Patriots did win. (Hey, not that I care, but I want the little guy to win sometime) Sadly though, all the older guys that used to always bring xboxes and such are in college or are too busy now, so my xbox was the only one there this year. It really is sad; we used to have so many cool guys go to everything, and now they're all gone. We're the older guys now, and I hope we can fill that gap. All the younger kids aren't coming to anything now, and our youth group is getting smaller, even as Sunday School enlargens enormously every year. Everyone comes Sunday, but only a choice few do anything else, and an even choicer few go to anything that involves Christianity but no fun. I hate that! Now Parker hates me too, and there's nothing I can do about it. He is one of those choice few, and yet now I can't enjoy his company because he refuses to acnowledge my existence. It is sad, because I see him mostly at church functions now, and every time I see him, hate fills his eyes, and no one knows why. If there was something I could do... but that does not appear to be so. Monday I went to prayer breakfast at Dunkin Donuts. HA- Wheezy stayed up all night the night before! He worked on a project until three in the morning and then played xbox live until it was time to go to school! The amazing thing is that he didn't seem tired at all at school! He is certainly enjoying xbox live... I don't want to say he's obsessed because I just complained about that, but he is spending a lot of time on it and talking about it more than anything. Now faloopaloop is planning to switch schools, too. He claims it's because RMSH/RMHS is too easy, but through a little talk, I think the real reason is a girl. Faloopaloop has a seemingly steady girlfriend now. I don't get the feeling I'm going to meet her anytime soon though. I went to Logos yesterday and OWNED at Halo 2. The discussion was pretty dead this week, but I talked with Ray on the way home since she's been driving me home for the past few months about IB and such. We had a good conversation, but we kind of had to take a detour to my house because we kept missing the turn since we were talking. I'll probably be signing up for IB next week, although I may be in Durham next year. We shall see. I finished the redesign of the N-1 yesterday also and renamed it the F-737 Blackwater. Today in Seminar we had quite an interesting discussion. It started out as a discussion about a biography of Bill Gates, but soon became a battle between supporters of different types of societies and solutions to the problem of the homeless people and jobs. Fascist had fun with it, it seemed. He supports a society in which there are two completely separate classes of people, although I don't believe I could explain it fully and remain correct, so I will leave it at that. Most people didn't understand what he was saying, and although I only understood some of it, I did not agree with what I did understand. It was a very... heated discussion. Also one in which I had no strong opinion. All the ideas people came up with I disagreed with; a nation cannot survive separated (into two classes), and nor can it survive if all citizens are equal. Anyway, after school, I helped out in yearbook this afternoon, and that's about all for today.
*Deep Breath* wow that was long; back to homework now...