Monday, July 25, 2005

New Music

Oh, I forgot to mention: I went music shopping.

Fall Out Boy
From Under The Cork Tree

Foo Fighters
In Your Honor

Demon Days

A Crow Left Of The Murder...

I am also thinking about getting a new cd case (rather, another cd case), so I may buy a Brand New cd while I'm out. That sounds wrong, lol.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

I think I think too much

I think I think too much sometimes. It would be nice to be a little ignorant for a little while, if only to understand...
As usual, I don't remember a lot that has happened over the past couple weeks. I've been busy enough to ignore my blog, I know that much. I know I've been to Fuzzy's a few times as usual. The fifth Harry Potter book came out on the sixteenth, although I haven't started reading it yet. I did, however, read Grapes Of Wrath, a book I would only recommend to those required to read it. I have a copy of My Ishmael, but haven't had the chance to start reading that yet. I need to read that to finish the summer requirements for IB. I hosted a Halo party at the new house on the twentieth, so we had a good time. We didn't just play Halo, as we are more frecuently quitting to do other things lately. Thursday, the next day, we left for Hampton. Friday we went to my uncle/aunt/cousin's house to go swimming and otherwise hang out. We went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner, which was very good. Saturday we went to Busch Gardens, which was quite crowded, but we had a good time. We went to church this morning, and came home. The youth trip to Big Stuf in Panama City, Florida leaves tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that. I went on that trip a couple years ago, but couldn't go last year because Band Camp was the same week. Some say my priorities are out of order, but I don't regret the decision.
Anyway, I guess that's all.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Rebel Moon

I have begun writing my book. The most I feel ok telling you is that it is about a lunar base.

I have decided to use the names of any friends who would wish to be in this book. Last names will be changed. If you wish to pick, I have openings for fighter pilots, scientists, astronauts, miners, computer technicians, soldiers, commanders, etc.

Contact me on aim, e-mail, whatever.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

I prefer Blogger to Xanga

Currently Playing


By Coldplay

see related

^That seems to me to be the only advantage to Xanga. Given, it is a bit more of a community site than blogger is, but who cares. Also, it's a lot easier to remember than Also, you don't have to pay money for premium services. Also, you get a direct interface with the html script of the site, and you can modify it to your own likes. I have been known to do so on several occasions, as most of the sidebar is of my own creation. Also, there is only one ad on Blogger, a tiny bar, as opposed to a blaring box. Also, the profile is more detailed on Blogger than Xanga. Also, rather than browsing Xanga skins for the best one, on Blogger, you can create your own. Anyway, I won't be switching to Xanga anytime soon. I do keep one so I can post on other people's xangas, but it has one post and one only.
Well, I haven't had much of a chance to update in a while, and there hasn't been so much to post about... except for one big event. Moving. Other than that, there are very few events that stand out over the past couple weeks. IT HAS BEEN A LOT OF WORK. Quite stressful at times, and at times it really didn't seem worth it. Only thing is, it's not over yet. We still have countless things that need to be worked on, fixed, installed, maintained. In one way, I wish we could have done this a few years so I would have more time to enjoy the new house, but at the same time, I think it would have been even harder. As it stands, I am able to drive, we have three cars, we all have cellphones, and if any of these things had not been true, moving would not have been endurable. I cannot complain about moving though, because our new house is great, although I was satisfied with the old one. Even when my parents started talking about moving, I didn't think it would ever happen. We thought about it a few years ago and it never happened, so I expected this to be no different. Heh - I didn't even take the time to go look at any of the houses until my parents had already decided on one. My bedroom is a little larger, and I am using a desk in another room, so I have more room in my bedroom. I have decorated the shelves around the ceiling in both rooms, and set everything up. I bought a 20" flat screen tv for my room, and I may buy a wireless receiver for my xbox so I can have live. I'm not so sure about the last one though... live is getting boring, and video games in general along with them. I much prefer a bike ride over a game these days, although it's really too hot most of the time. Can't stand the summer... We actually moved over to the new house July 5 (didn't have time to do ANYTHING July 4, just moved boxes), so we had movers take all the furniture and what boxes were left to the new house. Fuzzy came over to help out, but really just got the grand tour and didn't do so much work. Noname came over in the afternoon (after Fuzzy left), so we tried out the tennis practice court and played golf a bit. Somewhere in the past few weeks I did a few other interesting things such as bike to Fuzzy's house (14 miles round trip), bike to Amba's house (although she wasn't there), we went to see Bewitched (not a great movie) and War of the Worlds (pretty cool), and we went out to eat a lot since the house was a mess. I also went to Wheezy's house sometime and played Halo with him and Noname. We got the computer set up just a few days ago, and it is still kind of in shambles. That is, the mouse is on a newspaper (it's an led mouse so glass doesn't reflect), and the keypad is in my lap. Also, yesterday I drove up to verde ciudad to visit Aramaia because she was home from science camp for the weekend. We had lunch at a nice place, and went bowling where two of her other friends joined us. My scores weren't great, but I still had a good time. We got a chance to talk, to catch up, and after a while I dropped her off at her house and went home. Hm, I think it's going to take a while for me to get used to that, calling this house home, because in my mind the old house is still home. Today we went to church, you know, the usual. Moving had really been my life for the past weeks, and now I am hoping to pick up where I left off. Then again, I'm not sure if the moving period is really over...