Monday, June 27, 2005

Emerald Isle Beach Trip 2005

You may be happy to hear that I did not take notes on this trip. It was meant for relaxation, unlike mission trip. Again, I will use first names to make the post clearer. To give you an idea what kind of beach trip we're talking about here, most of my Dad's side of the family gets together at Emerald Isle every year, and we are in two cottages that are only one house apart.

Saturday the 18th, we packed up for the trip. I picked up Almon [Fuzzy], since he was to come along again this year (he came last year as well). Dad had to work, so we left him behind. Almon and I were in my car, and Mom, Rachel [Chessy], and Shelby [Sunray] were in the van. This was Shelby's first time coming along, so she was in for a few surprises. We stopped at a Bojangles' on the way to use the restroom and get fries for the trip. After that, I led the convoy, since Almon knew a shortcut. We got to the house on time, and Mimi, Bill, Susan, and Landon were there already. I set up my stuff downstairs (xbox, stereo, etc.), and after a little while we went to Golfin Dolfin. We went driving there, played putt-putt (I won MUAHAHA), and went go-karting. When we got back, a few people from the other cottage came over. I helped Bill set up the hearts tournament by picking random names, and that turned out pretty well. We had dinner at our house, did other stuff, and after a while tried to go to bed. Almon and I had difficulty... let's just say our lamp was possessed. Of course, we also like to talk about many things with varying levels of importance and relevance. In other words, we have random conversations. Good times... I think we ended up going to sleep around three in the morning. The next day, usual beach stuff, and I think Dad got there in the afternoon. He actually arrived just as Almon and I were leaving to go visit the Jacksons. To explain, much of my mother's side of the family happened to be at the beach that week as well. They were at another cottage, and I had even more family further down the beach at yet another cottage. My mom was already at the Jacksons' place, and we went down there to visit Chris, one of my second cousins. Turns out, Chris invited a friend too, Jon. We had a good time at their house, and, among other things, watched a home video they made, and played xbox live (lucky... we couldn't connect). We came back after a while, had dinner at the other cottage, showed everyone my collection of music, etc. Almon and I got to bed a bit earlier Monday, but not so significantly. We went swimming again Tuesday (all but one day of the week, I believe), and Tuesday night we had Hawaiian night. We also had the first round of the hearts tournament. I lost pretty horribly, lol. Not quite the hearts expert [yet]. At my table we had Bud, Bill, Almon, Martha, and me. Bill won, whaddya expect. The finals was to be the big players as usual, Bill (uncle), Susan (aunt), Walt (uhh... a relation), and, from the kids table (apparently Almon and I are no longer kids), Charlotte (second cousin). But since you are wondering what Hawaiian night means, we have a theme night every year and dress up, you see. The results can be pretty hilarious, but I won't go into too much detail because I don't want to freak you out too much. I believe that was the night Charlotte had her iPod mini set up. Almon said that I should get one, but since then I have done A LOT of research, and decided that it would be a BIG waste of money. Anyway, good times all around, went back to the house and watched game six of the NBA Finals I believe, along with the Tag Team Battle Sea Bass on the Food Channel (good times), and went to bed late again. Wednesday, the usual deal, had some good times. We went to Professor Hacker's in the morning, beat Almon, Dad, and Landon at a couple rounds of Putt-Putt (although I must say the scoring of the second round was disputable, Almon may have won...). We did a lot of go-karting and went on bumper boats as well. We stopped by Golfin Dolfin for another round of driving in the afternoon, dinner at the other house, went to bed late, you know the deal. Thursday was the big game, but we're not there yet. We invited everyone over to swim in the afternoon. Chris and Jon walked to our house, and John (uncle), Sarah Beth (cousin), and Forrest (cousin) came over from the other cottage as well. Sarah Beth didn't swim very long, but Forrest, Almon, Chris, Jon, and I did. After a while, I drove Chris and Jon back home (you get your license at 17 in New Jersey, where they live... Jon is 17 but is just a lazy bum, lol). I came back and after a little longer John, Sarah Beth, and Forrest left also. We had dinner at our house again, stopped by Dairy Queen for ice cream, and (we're finally there) watched the game. That is, game seven of the NBA Finals. Apparently there hadn't been a game seven in 11 years. The Spurs beat the Pistons as expected (if they had won game six, there would not have been a game seven), kind of a disappointment to Almon and I because we wanted to see the Pistons win, but an expected loss to the end. They did well in the first three quarters, but the Spurs pulled ahead in the end. Found out that while we sat in our special room and watched the game, Walt won the hearts tournament. No surprises really, although I hear that Charlotte got second, then Susan, then Bill. The surprise was that Bill would get last, lol. Anyway, went to bed pretty late, and then Friday went to Yana's in the morning. THAT IS GOOD FOOD. I believe we went there for lunch on Wednesday also. Anyway, if you are ever in Swansboro, I don't care how long the line is, or what time of day it is. If they're opened, GO THERE. Heh heh- Bill has gotten everyone Yana's t-shirts, and Landon even got his signed. Lol, she said that was the first time anyone had actually asked to have the shirt signed. In the afternoon, we invited Chris, Jon, and Forrest over for a little Halo 2. System link, two tvs, played a few games. Teams were: Almon, me, Landon vs Chris, Jon, Forrest. The teams were amazingly split, I believe we played three games, and we won two out of the three. (Chris and Jon played against Almon and I at their house and they won there, so I guess that splits it even 2-2 wins) After that, I took them home. Dinner at the other cottage, came back home after a while. I took the opportunity to sit alone and listen to Brand New. Beautiful... of course, an aura of light if you looked down either end of the beach (Emerald Isle and Atlantic Beach, I believe), but gave some light to the ocean. I sat there for probably an hour to think and relax. As I mentioned in deeperthinking, you should try that sometime. Came back inside, watched Almon own Susan at Spiteful (they play by different rules, lol), and went to bed. Packed the next morning, said goodbyes, and left. Relatively uneventful return trip, and I'll leave everything that's happened between then and now for next Monday.


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